Hero Trails.

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Hey I'm backkk. Thanks for sticking by me. Also thanks for the reads. I wasn't expecting this.

*Izumi's POV*
A couple of weeks have passed by and everything's been going good.

Something has been bothering me though. I can't stop thinking about the duel colored hair boy. I learned that his name is Todoroki. He seems so cold, like everything is going wrong. I would know, I've been there before.

Uraraka had been teasing me since she caught on to me staring at him 24/7. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed to be honest.

Anyways, back to today.

I hear my alarm clock beeping. That oh so annoying sound I dread. I snooze my alarm and tell myself that 5 minutes wouldn't hurt. I soundly fall back asleep.

💥Boom Boom Bois POV💥
I woke up early today and it's finally time for Izumi to be up but I noticed that she hadn't left her room yet so I went to check on her.
I open her door and notice that she is.. STILL ASLEEP!?

I go up to her and shake her up. "HEY! WAKE UP STUPID, THERE'S SCHOOL TODAY"

💚Izumi's POV💚
My dream was interrupted by yelling. "Ngh... I don't want to get up" I say while tossing the covers over my head. "Too bad" Kacchan says as he pulls the blanket completely off me. "Screw you! " I say as I get up. He just left my room smirking. Ugh whatever.

I get up and brush my teeth and I don't bother brushing my hair. I instead put it up and it looks really messy but I don't care. I go down stairs and surprisingly there's no yelling. Strange.

Time skip brought by peppermint boi

We finished breakfast and head to school. Aizawa did role as usual and gave us a free period. Next period was english which was boring.

Finally it was time for Hero stuff.  All might came booming through the door.

"I am coming through the door like a normal person"

To be honest, I was freaking out! I've been a fan of his for soo long.  Everyone was practically jumping. "Today we will do a combat training! You guys get your hero costumes out of your suitcases which are matched with the number on your desk and head to ground beta and I will explain there. "

Practically jumping out of my seat I go and get my suit case. I rush into the girls locker room and change as fast as I can. I didn't want people to see my scar because then they would ask questions about my mom.

What's the scar from? From the incident when I lost my mom. I got touched on my back and it hurt really bad. It felt like it was slowly disintegrating. (We love foreshadowing) 

Anyways, right as I took off my shirt someone walked in. 'Great just my luck' I thought to myself. I turn around to see Uraraka. She looked scared.

I quickly put on my top and then she asked something I already knew was coming. "What happened to your back?"

'Well shoot'

"I was involved in a villain attack when I was younger" I say trying to hold back my tears. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up." I sigh. "It's fine" And with that I went to ground beta.

🌸Uraraka's POV🌸
So she was caught up in a villain attack? I'll have to look that up when I get home.

💚Izumi's POV💚
Everyone was now at ground beta. All might explained how things would go down. We all were put into partner pairs. I was paired with Uraraka. He then picked who would be fighting who. We were out as heros against Iida and Kacchan. 

Time skip brought to you by boom boom boi

After sometime it was finally our turn. All might sent Kacchan and Iida to hide the bomb. Me and Uraraka made a plan. And then we were ready.

"Go! " All might shouted.

Me and Uraraka split up. I knew Kacchan would try and fight so I prepared for him to strike. As if right on cue I heard foot steps. I got ready to attack as he came flying around the corner.

"I've been expecting you" I said with a smirk. "Well get ready to have your fucking face blown off. " He then came charging at me with a right hook I dodged and threw him to the ground. I heard him choke but he got up. "You always start with a right hook, also stop cussing" I said as he charged at me.

He then kicked my side really hard. I fell but quickly recovered and used my telekinesis to push him backwards. He then came charging at me and I turned rolled out of the way. He then kicked me again and I flew back into the wall. My back hit the wall real hard. "Ugh.. " I grunted as I stood up. He was about to say something but I used sign language to say 'don't worry about it and don't say anything. I don't want people knowing' he mouthed sorry and we continued on with the fighting for a bit.

I than ran away and got in touch with Uraraka. She knew where the bomb was and now all I had to do was find her. But I couldn't get there in time before Kacchan caught up.
'Dang It'

I instantly pushed him back using my quirk. And ran. I finally made it to the bomb. I then created hole in the wall to let Uraraka in so she could get the bomb. Kacchan caught up and both him and Iida were occupied with me so Uraraka secured the bomb and we were proclaimed winners. Everything went black after that.

🖤peppermint boy's POV🖤
I knew sign language. There was something off about what she said. What didn't she want us knowing? Also every hit she took, it didn't seem to affect her except for the one that hurt her back. Maybe something happened? I'll have to ask her later.

Heyyy author~chan here. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I made it long to make up for my absence. Anyways hope you enjoy the cliff hanger~~~ UwU Author~chan out.

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