Chapter 61: Plaza Film Fest 2.0

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After months of preparation and filming, it was finally time for Lakewood's annual Film Festival. Ko, Dendy, and Enid stayed with Rad so they could go to the festival together. Extremely early that morning, Rad woke up to what sounded like the sound of his girlfriend pacing and mumbling to herself and the room was slowly getting colder. He slowly opened his eyes and he noted that he was correct and that Dendy, Enid and Ko were fast asleep. Nebula was pacing around mumbling to herself and frantically running her fingers through her hair. He glanced over at the clock near him and he saw that it was still early in the morning."Babe!" he called groggily as she continued to pace and mumble to herself. He groaned and levitated Nebula onto his hammock bed with him. "Babe, it's still early. Go back to sleep" he said as he held her close. "Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I just can't help it. I'm really nervous" she said. "Why?" he asked as he was a bit more awake. "What if no one likes the movie? What if everyone thinks that our movie is unoriginal?" she asked. Rad let out a sigh and he smoothed down her short hair. He then moved to rub her back soothingly. "It'll be fine. The movie is awesome and we're defiantly gonna win" he said. "I just can't help it! I'm like an author releasing a new book. I can't help but worry!" she responded. After a few minutes, Rad finally managed to get Nebula to go back to sleep.

When they all woke up, they went downstairs and saw that Rad's parents, Ofrang and Theodosia made a wide variety of breakfast for them. Nebula hugged them as they told them that their movie was bound to win. After breakfast, they all went to get dressed and Rad heard Nebula's phone ringing while she was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Rad picked it up and answered it. "Prohyas?" he asked when he saw him on the screen. "Hey Duders! Where's Nebs? I'm dying to hear about how the movie came out" he said excitedly. "It's great! I''l send you a copy of the completed film later" Nebula called as she walked out of the bathroom. "Awesomeness!" Prohyas said. A loud 'crash' was heard on his end and Prohyas looked behind him and sighed. "Gotta go. Call me after the festival" he said. "Sure thing!" Nebula responded before Prohyas hung up. Rad then looked at Nebula's phone and saw the time so he turned to Nebula. "You ready?" he asked. Nebula noticed the time and she nodded her head. They then went into the living room where Ko, Dendy, and Enid were waiting. "You guys ready?" Nebula asked as they all went to Rad's van. "I wonder..."Enid said and Ko looked to her in confusion. Enid was then quick to get into the passenger seat. She then heard Nebula's foot tapping on the ground. Rad looked over and he sighed when he saw Enid in the passenger seat. "Enid, you know Nebula always sits there. I'd move if I were you" he said as he got into the driver's seat and fastened his seat belt. Enid heard Nebula groan and she was then levitated to the back seat with Dendy and Ko. "Told ya she wouldn't be happy" Rad said as he started his van and drove off.

When they got there, they saw the Boxmore robots and Fink seated behind four empty spots. Nebula was quick to sit at the end of the bench and Rad sat next to her. "Well well well, if it isn't the Lakewood Lamos" Shannon called. "Save it bolt for brains! You four might as well save yourself some time and give up now because our movie is going to win!" Nebula said. "Oh yeah? What makes you so sure that yours will win?" Fink taunted. "Because, this year's theme is romance and if there is anything I know about, it's romance. Right Raddy?" she asked. "You know it babe!" he responded and they shared a quick kiss for emphasis. "Alright everyone, listen up! This year we had the theme of romance. We are only going to show the trailers and the winner's movie will be filmed. For a little extra bonus, the winner's movie will get signed to be released in theaters worldwide and then be made into dvd's for home release" Mr. Gar announced. The audience cheered and the entries then started. Nebula silently snickered at the cheesy and lame movie that Boxmore made."Hey guys! Ours is next!" Ko whispered happily. Nebula grabbed onto Rad's arm and squeezed it tight in anticipation. Rad noticed her nervousness so he slid his arm out of her grasp and held her hand.

The screen showed a girl walking with guy and holding book to her chest and female was heard saying "When you meet the someone". The screen then showed the girl blushing as she was standing in front of another guy and the female voice was heard saying. The screen then showed the words "A Radula, Ko, and Enid production. "Who was meant for you. Before two can become one, there is something you must do" the female voice sang as the girl was then shown with a group of females. "Do you pull each other's hair?" a young boy's voice was heard asking as the screen showed a blue skinned male walking away. "Do you feed each other grapes?" a young girl's voice was heard asking as the screen showed the girl about to go chase after a male walking away. "No, there is something sweeter, everybody needs" the girl was shown singing to a young boy and girl. The screen went black and the words "A Change Of Heart" was shown. "So to spend a life of endless find who you love through true love's kiss" the female was heard singing as the screen showed the girl and a blue skinned male kissing as the sun set through a window behind them.

She then heard the Boxmore robots and Fink laugh at their movie as the trailer ended. "Oh yeah? We'll see who's laughing when I have my fist-" Nebula began to threaten as everyone got up from their seats to go vote for the trailer that they liked the best. "Nebula!" Rad warned as he pulled her back onto the bench. "What?" she asked slightly angry. "You are really hostile today. Like even more than usual" Rad said. "Rad, we worked really hard on the movie and everyone seemed to love it! Didn't you hear all the praise that just the trailer alone got? And then they have the nerve to laugh!" Nebula ranted. "Babe, let it go" Rad said as he pulled her to the voting area. After they voted, Rad pulled her aside and pulled her in an embrace. Nebula let out a sigh and she hugged him back. "You good?" he asked. He felt Nebula nod and they went inside just as they were about to announce the winner.

"Alright, now that everyone has voted, let's find out who the winner is" Mr. Gar said. Carol then walked onto the stage with an envelope that she showed off to the crowd before handing it to Mr. Gar. "The winner is..." he started and the audience leaned forward in their seats in anticipation. The words that he then spoke next made Nebula's heart skip a beat.

"A Change Of Heart"

When he said that, the audience cheered and Nebula jumped up from her seat and turned to Fink and the Boxmore robots. "Ha!" she said triumphantly as she saw them go red with anger. She was then scooped up by Rad and he spun her around in joy. The group then went onto the stage and Carol handed Enid the trophy. After they gave their celebratory speech, everyone left and Rad was dragged out by an ecstatic Nebula who was calling Prohyas and telling him the news. "Great job guys" Carol said as she approached them with Mr. Gar. "How about we all go out and celebrate?" Mr. Gar suggested. They all happily agreed and went off to celebrate their victory.

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