Chapter 19: The Accident

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That night, Bianca was brushing her hair while Laserblast was lifting a small dumbbell before bed. "I assume Foxtail told you about our plan?" Bianca asked him without looking at him. Laserblast looked at her. "Yeah. It's a great plan. It'll be nice to see them in action" he said. Bianca hummed and Laserblast sighed and went back to lifting the dumbbell. "He then looked up at Bianca. "Do I detect a small spark of jealousy? You aren't jealous of Silverspark, are you?" he asked her. She scoffed in response as she continued to brush her hair. "Is that why you've been mad?" he asked her in disbelief. "I never said that" Bianca retorted. Laserblast laughed as he put the dumbbell away. He then walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Babe, I'm engaged to you not her. I'm in love with you, not her" He said lovingly. Laserblast then softly kissed from her collarbone to her jawline as he held her tighter in his arms. He felt her relax and she sighed softly as she leaned into his embrace. He then softly kissed her lips and she softly kissed him back. "We good?' he asked when they pulled away. She nodded and he picked her up and put her on the bed. "Good" he said before he surprised her with a passionate kiss. She pulled away first and pushed on his chest so that he would lay down. 'get some rest" she said as he pulled the covers over their bodies. " Love you" Laserblast said as he draped his arms around her from behind. "I love you too" Bianca said. Laserblast smiled.

The next day a report came in about an army of robots attacking. All the heroes we quick to rush to 'The Power Turn'. The junior members stopped before they could get in. "We know we know, stay here and clean or something" Silverspark said disappointingly. "I mean you could do that, or you guys could come with us" Bianca said. "Really?!" Silverspark asked excitedly. Bianca nodded and the heroes got into the vehicle. Rippy Roo went on Bianca's lap since there was no empty seat for her. On the way their destination, Bianca was petting her head. She glanced over at Laserblast to see him getting slightly jealous from the lack of attention she was giving him. "Oh come now, you aren't jealous, are you?" she whispered into his ear. No response. She then chuckled. "Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for that when we get home. She whispered again. "And even more on our honeymoon,'' she whispered seductively into his ear. Shen then kissed his cheek and laughed.

"So um, Bi? What's your actual name?" Silverspark asked. Bianca giggled. "Bianca. Although, I also go by Ice Queen" she said. Laserblast put his arm around her shoulders. "She's pretty cool. In fact, I'd say she's chill " he said. They all laughed at Laserblast's joke. Once they arrived their destination, all the heroes were quick to team up and defeat the robots. Silverspark and El-Bow teamed up and were kicking the robots, while Laserblast, Ice Queen, and Rippy Roo teamed up. Ice Queen and Laserblast were blasting the robots while Rippy Roo was catching the robots in her pouch. Meanwhile, Foxtail was punching the robots while Doctor Greyman was levitating them and throwing them. One robots looked up to see Silverspark and El-Bow teaming up and taking him down with their elbows. "Teammates!" they said together. Doctor Greyman then pushed inbetween them. "Wow! That was some good stuff folks!" he praised. His watch then beeped and he looked at it. "I gotta head out on a solo mission right now. But why don't you all take a well deserved break" he suggested. "Especially you El-Bow, you don't look so hot. Why don't you go grab some grub. That outta make you feel tip top" he suggested as he poked his stomach "Good luck and I will see you later" he said as he levitated himself elsewhere.

They all went back to headquarters. Bianca and Laserblast went back to his living quarters to continue planning their wedding. "I'm gonna go get us a snack. I'll be back shortly" Bianca said. She then got up and kissed Laserblast's cheek. When she got to the cafeteria, she saw El-Bow talking to Rippy Roo. "I've been thinking about telling Silverspark about my feelings for her soon and-" he started. Rippy Roo made a face at him. "What's that face for?" he asked her. Rippy Roo then put a whole chicken into her mouth as she said how Silverspark was dating Laserblast. "What do you mean she's dating Laserblast?!" He asked in shock. "Wait, who's dating Laserblast?" Bianca asked. "Ice Queen!" El-Bow said in surprise. "Technically, we're engaged" she said. El-Bow looked at her clearly confused. Bianca sighed and sata down next to him. "Laserblast and I are engaged" she explained. "So you mean?" he started. Bianca nodded. "Besides, your a great guy. Your strong, caring, sweet, and who knows what else" she said. "Sorry if that sounded mean, it's just that I don't know you that well yet and-" she rambled before she stopped herself. She and El-Bow then laughed. "Thanks" he said and she nodded. She then grabbed a few snacks and turned to leave. "Now then, I have to get back to Laser, we have a wedding to continue planning. Good luck!" she said. She then waved to Rippy Roo and El-Bow before she left. When Bianca returned, Laserblast was quick to grab her and whisk her out the door. "Laser, what's going on?" she asked him. "Emergency meeting" he said. He then pulled Bianca to him and picked her up. "Doc's back" he said as he ran to the main hall while carrying her bridal style.

When they got there, Laserblast put her down and they saw Doctor Greyman sitting on the collumn-like podium. "How do you not get tired after doing that?" Bianca asked him as the rest of the team came into the room. Laserblast shrugged and they all turned their attention to Doctor Greyman. "Hello there. Bet your wondering why I've gathered you here so soon" He started. He then got behind the podium. "Well, I discovered a secret lab, belonging to an unknown villain." He then opened up his briefcase to levitated out three orbs in blue, green, and red. "What I discovered were these weapons" he said. Everyone looked at them with interest. "They don't look like much" Laserblast said. "Just allow me to demonstrate. Stand back!" Doctor Greyman warned them. They all took a step back and Laserblast put an arm across Bianca's chest and moved her to stand a little behind him. "This one when exploded generates a black hole "Doctor Greyman explained as she showed the first orb. "This one shrinks it's target to subatomic level" he explained as she showed the first orb. "And this one here" He started to say seriously as he levitated the red orb. "I dunno. I was hoping with your input we could figure out" he said as he levitated the orb into his hands. The orb then shone bright as it exploded. As it exploded, Laserblast turned his body to shield Bianca from the blast. "Doc!" They all called out in alarm.

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