Chapter 44: Boxman Returns

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It was a rainy at the plaza. Ko was by the entrance doors, moping the floor as customers came in and ruined his progress. Nebula was restocking the shelves and Enid was ringing out customers while Rad handed them an umbrella. A clap of thunder was heard and Ko jumped as he looked over at what was formerly Boxmore. "Have you guys ever wondered what happened to Lord Boxman? I mean it feels like we haven't seen him all season" Ko said with a sigh as he pointed to a calendar hat was nearby. "Do you think like.. You know. Went to the big field in the sky-" Enid started as she pointed up. "I'm sure He didn't. You know. He just left Boxmore. Who knows, maybe he's turn over a new leaf" Nebula said as she came out from stocking a nearby display. "Come on, let's get back to work before Gar comes out of his office" she said as she went to set up another display.

The next day, Ko was by the entrance doors again. This time sweeping up the umbrellas that the customers left. Enid was ringing out customers and Rad was handing them sunglasses. Nebula just exited a storage closet with some cleaning supplies and her hair in a ponytail. "I'll be outside cleaning the sign and the outside of the store if you guys need me" she called as she exited the store. Suddenly, the sound of a loud engine and tires screeching on the pavement was heard. Nebula quickly looked at the store from behind the large sign to see Lord Boxman with a green humanoid rodent and a man with lilac skin and black hair. Nebula gasped as she recognized the man from one of Ko's POW cards. "Professor Venomous" she whispered in shock. She then quickly made her way to the store, while making sure to avoid being seen. "Lord Boxman! I was right!" Ko said happily as Nebula went to his side. "Give um heck kiddo" the lilac man called as he and Lord Boxman watched from some nearby chairs. The humanoid rodent (who Nebula learned was named Fink) went at full speed towards them. "You guys! I was right! Boxman didn't-" Ko was then interrupted by Fink running into him. "Ko! Hang on little guy!" Nebula called as she chased after Fink. Fink suddenly stopped and Ko was sent flying into the air. Nebula quickly jumped up high and she was able to catch him. She was then sent plummeting into the ground as she held Ko closer to her so he wouldn't be harmed when they crashed. Nebula was surprised to fall into the awaiting body of Rad. Nebula quickly lifted her body up so Ko wouldn't be squished in between her and Rad's chests. "Thanks Rad. I owe you one" she said.

She then kissed his cheek and she rolled off of him. "You okay Rad? you okay Ko? Nebula asked as she helped the males up off of the ground. "Yeah we're good" Rad said. They then heard the sound of cars being crushed. They looked over to see Fink running over the cars that were parked. "That little brat is gonna burn the plaza parking lot to the ground unless we stop her" Enid said. "You think a tricycle wouldn't be that powerful! I mean it's only got three stupid wheels" Rad pointed out. "That's it!" Ko and Nebula said in unison. "Rad baby, you're a genius!" Nebula praised. "Rad! It's only got three wheels! If we can take out that tiny wheel in front" Ko started. "Then we can destabilize the whole thing and she'll lose control"Enid finished for Ko. "And I think we have just the thing to stop her" Nebula said slyly as she motioned over to the pile of discarded umbrellas.

"Sorry to rain on your parade" Rad said as he used his powers to throw an umbrella. "But now that it's raining more than ever" Nebula said as she froze an umbrella and threw it, as well as something else that went unnoticed by everyone. "The forecast says" Enid said as she kicked an umbrella. "That you're in for a spot of pain love" Ko said with a British accent as he came down from the sky using an umbrella and he threw it. All four of their umbrellas hit the tricycle and the front wheel came off. "Ha!" Fink said smugly as she lifted up the handlebars. She then noticed what she was holding and she looked back to see the front wheel detached with four umbrellas in it. She was then sent crashing into Lord Boxman and Professor Venomous. Nebula put her hand on the back of Rad's arm that was behind his head once she joined her friends and they watched the villains crash into the ground. 'Ha! Nice" Enid said. "Yeah" Rad agreed.

The villains then went off elsewhere and the trio went back into the store. "Hey Ko. You got a sec?" Nebula asked. Ko turned to her and he looked at her curiously. "Yeah. What's up?" he asked. Nebula then motioned for Ko to follow her elsewhere. Ko nodded and he followed her into the back of the store. She then sat down on a nearby box and she motioned for Ko to do the same. Ko sat and Nebula cleared her throat as she pressed a button of a device hidden in her pocket. "So Ko. What can you tell me about Professor Venomous?" she questioned. Ko then told her everything he knows about Professor Venomous. Nebula nodded as she processed the information. "Is there anyone else similar to him? Didn't you tell me about someone named Shadowy Something?" she asked. Ko thought for a moment. He then nodded. "You mean Shadowy Figure?" he asked and Nebula nodded. Nebula noticed Ko looking uneasy about her question. "Ko? You okay?" she asked worriedly. Ko then told her about Shadowy Figure and how it was because of him that TKo was created. "Thank you for telling me all of this Ko and for answering my questions" Nebula said. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you want to know all that?" Ko asked. Nebula sighed deeply and she crouched down to Ko's height. "Sorry Ko. But I can't tell you. But just know that you were a huge help and we-I mean I really appreciate your help" Nebula said apologetically. She then ruffled his hair and she walked out of the room and out of the plaza.

Once she was outside, she walked deep into the woods and she took out the device from her pocket and she pressed a button on it. She then got her phone out and she made a phone call. "Hey. Yeah it's me. I got all the info and I'll send it to you tonight. Okay talk to you then. Bye" she said and she hung up.

Kudos to anyone who got my joke

Last chance to ask any question for me an/or the characters.

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