Soaked Tyrants - Part Three

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The officer looked at Simon then their expression radically changed. The officer sounded overcome with joy, "I knew it was you!"

Simon was deeply confused, "Um... do I know you?

"Simon? It's me Gorge!"

Simon then was surprised and also joyful. Then he exclaimed with astonishment, "Gorge! From Franklin?"


"Oh my goodness it's great to see you!"

"You too! Your an officer too?"

"Yeah! I drive the transport for the thirty-first unit!"

"That's great! Oh also," Gorge pulled the picture of Nancy out from his pocket. "Have you seen this girl? The whole squad's out to get her. She's in a whole lot of trouble!"

"What kind of trouble?"
"I don't even know."

"Oh... well, I'll keep an eye out for her."

"Good to know!" Then Gorge and Simon separated.

Simon continued to walk down the street towards the monorail station. He punched his pass and climbed the stairs. The intercom chimed, "Attention all passengers: The A-45 train is now arriving. Repeat: Attention all passengers: The A-45 train is now arriving. Attention all passengers: Be on the watch for a girl named Nancy Gillard she is an enemy of the state."

Simon was now extremely worried. What did she do? Why is she wanted so badly? Simon continued his journey. He entered the train. His regular schedule took place. Board train, arrive at the station, exit the station, board a cab, exit the cab at the precinct.

When Simon arrived at the precinct posters with Nancy's face were strung about the walls and doors. He entered the building and there on the "Most Wanted" list was Nancy, on the top spot. Simon shivered. When he entered the Gruppenführer's office he saw he had a file open. He asked the Gruppenführer for the target list.

"Ah yes..." he replied. The Gruppenführer handed Simon the target list. He then headed for the door not until the Gruppenführer dropped the file and spoke. "Do you know of a girl by the name of Nancy Gillard?" he asked.

"N-N-Nancy Gillard?" Simon responded

"Yes, Nancy Gillard."

"No sir, I have not seen a girl by that name." Simon began to feel nauseous and light-headed.

"Oh... too bad."

Simon exited the tension-filled room. His palms were chapped and sweaty. He could hardly speak or breath. What has she done to deserve this much attention? After Simon drew the routes for targets he once again entered the Gruppenführer's room. "Gruppenführer?" he asked.

"Yes, Lieutenant Frank?"

"What did this girl do exactly? The one you asked me about."

"I don't know, Obergruppenführer Samuels never told me. He doesn't even know. Only Mosley and the Führer."
Simon's eyes widened, "What could she have done?"

"I have no clue," then the Gruppenführer peered at his watch. "You need to get going."

"Alright Gruppenführer Adams," Simon responded. He then rushed out of the office and told the unit they needed to leave. Simon with the rest of the unit boarded massive juggernaut. They all flew away with the massive one-ton jets blasting. The next hours were Simon's normal routine, fly detain, fly detain, fly detain, fly and sometimes kill. That is all it was.

After the workday, Simon switched clothes and left the precinct. He took his usual amble down the sodden streets. Cars rushed by him switching and snapping cables while creating a great deal of wind. Simon never usually noticed the great and beautiful architecture of pre-war buildings.

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