Three for a girl

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I quietly bopped my head to the beat of a song i remember i think it was die young not sure. I started to humm it before i found myself singing to it while strolling alone the track of the park that lead into the woods, I looked up towards the sky a took a deep breathe. I guess i have actually missed being outside or at the park where its graceful and fun to see all the children laughing and running around freely.

Happily, I came to a clearing where i could beggin to train. Trainning?? Well a month after the car crash i began feeling stronger,swifter and powerful then during the next week i started to establish things moving tk my like when i wanted my phone but i was too cozy to move i opened my eyes an my phone was floating infront of my face then after hours it needed charging and i still couldn't be bothered moving so my hand began to get a red glow and it was warm and my phone stopped bleeping at me so when i looked it said fully charged.

From then on ive been trakning myself also learning hand to hand combat you know? Just in case.
I began to train but half way through i saw a blue fuzzy shape. They must have noticed me starring as they turned tk run but i teleported infront of them. Startled, the poor girl fell onto her butt with a squeek i lurked above her giving a glare towards her.

"Who are you and what did you see?"
My vioce had deepend. She's getting angry. The women replied " uhhh......I'm Vivi and i might have saw all of it.....sorry. I didn't mean any harm to you just saw you and it was facinating on what you did! Also why do yku hide your eye? Why was your hands glowing? Why is your other eye glowing red and the white part is black... Did you know that?"

Ugggghhhhhh fuck she saw ok WILL YOU CALM YOUR ASS DOWN PHEONIX!!!  I shout in my head only to hear her grown and go back to her little room or something in my head.

I look down at the girl "You have to promise not to tell anyone about this also I'm (Y/N) nice to meet you?" I bubbled out, holding my hand out to help her up"Well nice to meet you too.. do you wanna be friends??" She asked with a smile on her face. "Sure but please don't tell anyone" i repeated to her. I'm still unsure of her but she seems nice and trustworthy."I promise. Do you want to meet mh friends? There at my place right now tho because i was going to get pizza but they didn't want to come seeing as there both arguing and lazy," she mumbled the last part. A rumble was heared and i looked at my stomack.

Giggles erupted from Vivi."Guess your joining me. Also are tou gonna explain why you are like you are??" She wonders alot. "Well i don't really know what happened to me to get like this but other than that all you need to know is that I'm not gonna be hurting anyone and not using my powers for evil doing." After i had said this Vivi promised not to tell anyone what i was doing or that i had powers.

We started to walk through the woods to go get pizza as to be honest i was starving as i hadn't eaten since 2 days ago. Guess when your numb you forget about first priorities. Walking down the streets Vivi explained she lived in a house with her boyfriend and her best friends. She explained they were all in a groyp called 'mystery skulls' and they search for the paranormal. They also let the paranormal search for them so they can help them be free and rest. It's like a job and it does give them enough to pay for the house and that her boyfriend works at a resturant in town.

As we see the sign come in view i was paralyzed.....
We were all cheering and chatting while sitting around a table in the pizza place. We were all juat joking and talking with each other before a chorus of people came out of the back with a cake that had white iceing all around it and sprinkles with a 'Happy 7th Birthday' my eyes lit up with happyness as they all sung the happy birthday song and did hip hip hurrays before i made a wish and blew them out as cheers erupted again and giggles from me.

●End of flashback●

When i began to blick myself back into reality i noticed i was crying and Vivi was looking at me so i looked away from her. She walked infront of  me and stared at me worry was writen all over her face, "Are you ok??" She practically yelled out.

"Ummm. No but i can't go in there but if you can, can you get me a meat feast please?" I asked. I don't want to go into there because it'll pin point more memories which i don't want and because we was a recent customer at this place. So they would recognise me  then they'd ask about my famil, so can't risk that.

She wearily agreed and went in to order while i waited outside. When she came back out i taken them off her to carry even though she protested but i insisted plus even if she declined i still would get it because i ain't putting up with anything.  Because I'm a stubborn sassy bitch.

Anyway as we walked she continued her talk about the paranormal and there recent missions and a new one that they're going on soon. As we made it to there house it started to go dark and the lights illuminated the night. We stood at the door hearing shouting and banging from inside the house. We looked at each other and she sighed looking back at the door.
Oh boy....

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