Chapter Fifty-Three: 2 years to Forever

Start from the beginning

"What is going on?" Alex said from the hallway as the doctor stepped on the back part of the bed to make it move.

The doctor then ordered the nurse to move me to the 12th floor. I looked at Alex with wild eyes pleading for help. He looked at me with those big brown eyes that held so much thought and pain. Jack exhaled loudly at me when seeing me cuffed to the bed in a restraint. Next thing I knew dad was rushing down the hallway to see me. It was too late though and the nurse continued to push me to the patient elevator and pressed the button once in.

"This is for your own safety sweetie." She said to me.

I was rolled to the floor full of other people about my age. None of them were in restraints though. I was rolled into a room where a new set of nurses came in and began to examine me. I had a bruise on my arms and one on my chest. I was asked a million questions none of which I could verbally answer as my vocal cords hurt so bad. I signed them but that just pissed the nurses off more. I began to feel the hot tears prick at the corners of my eyes but there was nothing I could. I couldn't even wipe my own tears or nose as they ran.

"Maybe if she wasn't so-" I heard a nurse say while she walked out of the room.

A new person walked in a few moments later. She was about my age. I was still restrained to the bed and she walked right over to me looking me over. I could help but try and keep my breathing steady it was failing though. I then heard Dad's voice at the nurses' station. He was yelling and not happy. They told him I wasn't able to see guests until a Doctor had seen me and that he could go to a waiting room down the hallway. The girl just stood there at the foot of my bed looking at me. She had dirty blonde hair and was rather small like Ryleigh. She looked at me and gave me a soft smile.

"I am Luce. I-" She began but soon stopped as a female doctor stepped in my room.

"Luce you know the rules out." She said and turned Luce around.

"You must be Ms. Urie correct? Selective mutism tried to drown herself, tried to commit suicide a number of times, run away." She said and looked at a folder in her hands.

That was part of my story but not all of it there was so much that she didn't know and it made me uncomfortable.

"You know the more you don't speak to me the worse you are just making this on yourself?" The doctor said and I blinked at her.

How was I making this worse on myself? I had a panic attack and now I am up here on a psychiatric floor for something I couldn't control.

"It says in your file you had a psychologist. Why did you stop seeing him?" She asked and I shrugged.

I knew exactly why I stopped seeing him and that was because I didn't want to talk about certain things with him and that is all he wanted to talk about.

"Look kid I am not here to be your friend, I am here to be an ear and if you're not going to talk I can hold you hear for a long time. I know you think your dad can get you out of this but I can file something that says your a danger to those around you and keep you here. I suggest we cut the crap and start talking. I know you claim to have lost a lot of people in your life but sweetie, wake up that is life." She sneered at me as I fidgeted with my hands.

'They weren't just people.' I signed and she looked so mad at me.

"Then who were they?"

'my foster brother, my parents, my best friend-' I started then noticed she was taking notes.

I stopped and she looked at me confused.

'I am not talking you are going to file something to get me taken away from my family and I don't want that. I love Brendon and Sarah they are wonderful parents. Yeah, my life isn't the most ideal. I deal with a lot of haunting of demons but-' I signed.

"Stop right there because you are appointing blame to them and that just tells me they are the reason for a lot of your issues." She said before smiling down at my file and closing it clicking her pen and putting it into her jacket pocket.

"I will be back for our dinner session until then I think those restraints will do well until then. You can still press the nurse call button if you need anything. I'd make myself comfortable though." She smiled politely and walked out of the room.

I heard the clicking of heels walk down the corridor with a sick clicking. I looked at the door and saw Luce was there. She had something behind her back. I looked at her a little confused. She looked around and then walked into the room shutting the door. She looked at the restraints on my wrist and cut them. I looked at her confused. She then dug through a cabinet getting me a new scrub top and scrub pants. What was this girl doing?

"Come on don't you want to go see the party of people waiting for you?" She said before taking my hand and pulling me toward the bathroom.

Luce handed me my clothes and I put them on changing from the old scrub bottoms and gown top. I looked in the mirror and tried to fix my hair before opening the door. Luce looked around making sure the coast was clear before ushering me toward the waiting room. I knocked on the door only seeing my crew of people and saw mom and dad. Dad was pacing talking on a phone. Ryleigh was sitting on Zack's lap with his arms around her. Alex was on the phone with someone Rian and Jack were doing something. Jenna who was showing now held Kolbi on her lap while Tyler played peek-a-boo with her. Beckett was talking to Jordan and Josh. Luce looked at me motioning toward the door handle. I had knocked but no one heard the soft knocking. I opened the door and ran straight into dad's body holding onto him sobbing.

'The-they want to take me away from you and-'

"They aren't taking you away from me again," Ryleigh said and tried to get up off of Zack's lap. Zack held her down though.

"They aren't taking you from us." Mom told me and wrapped me in a hug along with dad.

Dad picked me up and held me close to his body. Luce stood in the doorway awkwardly and Jack noticed soon and waved shouting Hi.

"Hi." She said shyly and I motioned for her to come in.

Luce came in and shut the door. Dad moved to the floor holding me in his lap and wrapped an arm around me and mom. They soon learned Luce had been here for 2 years. They had managed to say she was a danger to society and it would be better for her to be here. She said at one point she believed it but then soon released it wasn't true. They weren't treating her fairly. She told everyone of things they do here and I hurried my head into dad's chest. Beckett inched closer and closer to us putting a hand on my back and moving it up under my shirt stroking my skin slight. It was those little things I loved about him.

"You need to get her out before it's too late if it isn't too late," Luce said looking at the door to make sure no one was coming.

Dad then nodded and was on the phone yet again with another lawyer so was my mom. It seemed like everyone was forming a plan of action some way to get me out of here. I looked at Luce who gave me a sad smile. Because for now, she knew I was here with her. I was not alone here. I might be here for now but I wouldn't be here forever. I made myself a promise though. I would get Luce out with me.

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