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I don't know who I was
I don't know who I am
And I don't know I'll be
But I have faith in me
So I'll keep going
Ignoring your words
Letting you judgement be
Because I know when I find myself
I will shine
Brighter than the sun in the sky
I'll be my own light
I will face myself
With the new found courage that I'll possess
I will speak myself
And let the world know my thoughts and my journey
I'll show my scars
Speak of them too,
because they tell my story
How far I've come, how much I've grown
I will love myself
Leave my blade behind and let my mask fall
I'll accept my beauty, I'll accept my flaws , I'll accept the person I am
I'll be myself, the way I have the right to be and no one can stop me ,
From achieving all that I dream to be

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