Chapter 01 | Two Different Worlds

Start from the beginning

"It's okay. There's always next time, right?" The girl chirped, tilting her head indicating that she's good with it.

Her father smiled in response of her thoughtfulness. Just this smile and gesture she made, reminded him of her tender loving wife, Anne. Anne always had this smile which brings people into good vibes, and this is why, the man fell in love with her; besides there are reasons why we love our lovers, maybe it's their killer smile, they're personality, looks or even the silliest thing they ever did. We all have our reasons, but that was just one of the reasons why he loved Anne; her great sense of humor, her personality and looks, she was after all his 'package deal'.

But all good things must end sometimes and sometimes, no matter how your heart aches for something or someone, they won't come back; something lost will never return, remember? Not even the pet your parent told you that ran away- or so told.

And since he knew that he could never see a lady like her ever again; he wants her to become like her mother, to follow her footsteps as an independent woman. And whenever her father would look at her face, it just makes him want to burst out in tears since he couldn't do anything to save her. Frankly, he'd do anything to retrieve her, even if it was to cost millions of pounds, dollars or even yen. But money can't buy souls or retrieve the dead; only God has the power but. . .

Everything happens for a reason. Even when all hope seems to be lost, something good always comes out of it. You just have to open your eyes to see.

Maybe, the child is a blessing from God for him; blessings are rare at his state. And if there are blessings or miracles, treasure it while you can. Right?


She liked his eyes that were the thing she liked the most or at least that's what she thinks. They were this dark creamy chocolate brown color, the sort of color guys in magazines had them, so you could stare at their faces and wish you had them as well. Not only did his eyes attract her, but also his smile. But he wasn't that type of person who would show his smile just to anyone. He'd give you a smugly smile, or a fake one, but if he likes you, he'd give you that killer smile that she loves so much.

I love that smile.

I love his smile.

It was summer time in Ikebukuro- with the summer solstice upon the city; people across the world are looking for new ways to beat the sun. The sun blazes over the park, everyone was trying to head to their destination quickly as possible, to avoid the heat of the sun.

While I sat on the middle of the park, sitting on the balcony as I watch the old lady who fed the hungry birds. It was my first time to get out of our place and it was my first time to disobey my father.

The sound of rushing water, and the smell of dry grass. Everything felt dry and rough, it felt uncomfortable. The heat was too much for me, since I was young and I didn't bring anything with me. No money, water or food; maybe I should have thought of that in the first place. But there was no time for that, when I saw a golden opportunity, I raced myself out of the place.

"I'm so happy. . ." I smiled to myself as my eyes wander around the park. Although it was very hot and I wasn't use to this heavy temperature, I was always that happy child that would look at it in a good way.

I finally felt free, besides freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. But nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or anything. If you're a human, you take it if there's a chance.

Unfortunately, I was a fragile kid, I wasn't able to stand the heat and before I could even wander around Ikebukuro for more, I passed out and was brought to a nearby hospital. At first, I thought it was all just a dream but then, I realized it wasn't; there was no siren of the ambulance, no growls of my father's words, but warm arms around me.

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