Now, on to the actual history of the LFP Occult

So, it was on a sanscest story, OGs will remember, an ErrorInk high school story. Actually it was multiship, but it was mainly ErrorInk, and no it wasn't the first one. It was the second one.

Best years of our lives I believe? Yeah that's what it was called.

I had Ink eat poptarts, and I described them as a holy thing because I freaking LOVE them. A little friend I call Rose began to joke that it was a religion, and we laughed it off.

Then I began to think, maybe I should jokingly start an occult on poptarts? But that was to... dull... what if I made it about Lenny faces? It fits my entire online persona, why not?

So there it began. Told Rose about it and we started it, together.

God I miss her. She left Wattpad, I have her email but I already wished her good bye.

I won't go into what happened to where she left, because it's a long, drama filled mess.

Yeah the rise of the Occult next chapter

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