The rise? It's simple

On Sharafloofy 's book Deadly Desires chapter 18, I jokingly said in reply to Error making a comment on how crazy shippers can be "Nah, I only run the Occult on Lenny Face Poptarts"

It EXPLODED with people asking to be in the Occult.

The conversation was fun but strange, and random. Like hell, Rose was brought into it and then we talked about our "writer senpais" (Senpai- upperclassmen so it's the correct terminology UwU)

Rose said she didn't have one, and I said most people know my writer senpai by now, THEN ROSE FUCKING BROUGHT THEM IN

For those who are wondering, it's CaitlynCC, an outstanding writer. Despite me leaving the UT fandom, I still love her writing. Woulda never started writing without her tbh.

Anyways, she came in and we all just began to mess around till we got bored

Sometimes people came in and started the conversation again, but it's been a long time sense then.

Man those times were great

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