Love or Lust

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Recap: Suraj met Mr. Chopra, he doesn't want to be weak. Chakor asked him to go on a commitment with her.

Suraj looked at her, he wasn't sure what he wants and what she wants, all he knows is that she had helped him through his toughest time, yet he isn't happy with the thought of accepting her as more than as his mistress.

Chakor hold his hand, "Suraj if you don't want to then I can understand, but I want to inform you that we don't need your help anymore. I mean my parents doesn't need it. My sister got a scholarship and my father a new job with a better payment. I think you should know that, if I stay here then only because I need you." She stood up and went to the kitchen, she had prepared the food and was now arranging the table.

Suraj glares at her, she didn't waited for his answer or better say rejection. He stood up and went to her, "Chakor!"

She heard him and took a deep breath, "yes Suraj." She looked at him awaiting for his outburst as she had cut off him before he could even say anything. She just doesn't wanted to hear a no.

Suraj hold her arm, she felt the tightness, but controlled over her emotions.

"You know what I want and what I think about it, then how can you think I will keep you here as something else than as my mistress."

She shook her head, "no, I'm not asking you to keep me as anything. I will stay cause I love you. The lust you had in your eyes was only revenge for something I did to you and someone did to you in the past. You have build up a wall, a thick wall to keep everyone away from you. I know it, I have seen it and I'm not angry or upset with your decision, whatever you will decided I will accept it."

Suraj loosen his grip on her arm, he looked around to avoid her gaze, "I'm not sure." He said and left the hall.

Chakor felt bad, but at the same time a seed of hope was growing inside her. He isn't sure. This can be anything.

Chakor filled the plate, she had made it according to his wish and likes, she walked up to the room and knocked on the door.

Suraj was holding a drink in his hand, "come in." He said and Chakor enters the room, she was pouting at him, "don't drink it's not good for your health, especially not on an empty stomach." She went closer to him and prepared the plate on the side table of the bed, "here you go and have something to eat."

Suraj put the glass down, he looked at her and shook his head, "I'm not hungry."

Chakor started to make a morsel, she hold her hand in front of his mouth, "okay, maybe you will eat if I feed you?"

Suraj opens his mouth, he took the morsel from her hand and made her sit next to him, "I'm still not sure." He said with a filled mouth and made her smile.

Chakor nods, "it's okay, if you have lust then I have love. I can live with it as long as it's with you. You agree to it?"

Suraj was chewing the food, "water." He asked and she gave him the glass next to the whiskey, "here." He drunk it, but his gaze wasn't leaving her. They were glued on her.

Chakor felt it, but remains calm, she made another morsel and waited for him to open his mouth.

"How long will you wait?" He asked and she blinks with her eyes, "means?" She was confused not understanding his question.

"How long will you wait for me?"

Chakor lifts an eyebrow, "oh, as long as you make me wait. Suraj I love you. I really do." She was comforting him with her calmness and honest way of understanding, he pulls her close and kisses her lips...

Thought to add the epilogue here but I will give as soon as possible the epilogue

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