
396 26 13

Ankitandas let's see...

Recap: Suraj past, he had destroyed Sheila.

Chakor was at home with him, she was laying on his chest thinking about the loss. Why it's increasing day by day?

Chakor looked at Suraj, he was sleeping tightly after all Chakor exhausted him. She able to handle him and his lust, which isn't real but a mask.

Chakor kisses his cheek, she searched for something to cover herself, on the ground she found his shirt, she stood up and wore it.

I have to find a clue, it can't be possible that whatever he tries goes to vain. There must be someone, who is doing this all.

She sat on the chair of the desk, she was looking at each file, but couldn't find anything.

Suraj said all his employees are loyal, it really looks like this, but isn't there anyone who has a grudge against him? Maybe an ex-employee?

She was thinking of the scenarios/possibilities, who could be responsible for Suraj business loss.

Suraj felt the coldness, the emptiness and opens his eyes, he felt the light of the desk lamp and looked at her, "Chakor?" He called her in his sleepy tone, she turns her face to him.

"Yes?" She was waiting for him, but he didn't react, he just stood up and walked to her, "what are you doing here on my desk?"

Chakor shows him the files, "I'm searching for a clue. You know it has to be an insider work. Someone, who is seeking for revenge from you. It doesn't mean that it has to be Sheila, it could be anyone. Someone you fired?"

Suraj shook his head, "I don't fire without a reason and even if it's someone from my past staff I have there locations, I know where they are and what they do."

"Uffo Suraj, just because you think you know everything it doesn't mean that you actually know! Just try to think beyond. I know you have shown the world your cold and dark side, but there must be someone you hurt mistakenly."

Suraj lifts her, she was sitting on the desk and he spreads her legs apart, "can we talk later?"

Chakor shook her head, "no, we will talk now, the crises isn't taking an end and you are...."

She starts to moan as he had entered her, she was letting him as she was always weak, when he comes closer to her.

Suraj was nuzzling her neck, he was thinking of her words about the business loss and who could be as cruel as he is.

Chakor pouts, "what is this? Why you stopped?!" She hits him and pulls him closer to continue his work, but he shook his head, he went to the washroom and took a quick shower.

Chakor was fuming inside. Making me horny is his favourite activity. Idiot.

She sat back on the chair and checked the files, just then she saw a picture on the desk, she frowns. Has Suraj seen the picture and started to think again?

Chakor hold the photo frame it was Suraj a few years back with an elder man, he was shaking the hand of Suraj. Wow my Suraj, when he smiles the whole darkness is gone. He should smile often. Well I have never seen this man again, who is he?

Suraj comes out of the washroom, "Chakor, I have a doubt."

Chakor looks at him, "say, what is it?" She stood up still wearing his shirt.

Suraj saw the photo frame, "that is Mr. Chopra, he had helped me with my business giving me the first contract, I haven't seen him since years and now I'm facing losses. I don't know, but he seems to be the only connection to it. My success and ruin will be made by only one person, the one who has made me."

Chakor looked at the photo frame, "so this is Mr. Chopra, where is he now? Do you have any information about his Whereabouts?"

Suraj shook his head, "no, since I have topped him, he has distanced himself from me. Maybe I gave him the feeling that I'm ungrateful?"

Chakor frowns, "what just because of that he would start to ruin you?"

Suraj shrugs, "I'm not sure, it's just I haven't met him and then he is the only one, whom I don't control." He made a fist, "I'm somewhere sure he is it, thought I have a last hope he isn't it."

Chakor hugs him, "Suraj there is always time to change the faith, go and find him. Apologies to him for your ignorance." She kisses his chest, but he shook his head.

"For what should I apologise? I haven't hurt him or done anything to him." His ego was talking, the anger of Suraj was audible.

"Suraj to shout won't help, if he is the reason then you have to find out why and how he could do this all to you, being absent for many years." Chakor was trying to calm him, somehow it was working.

Suraj was sleeping in her arms, she made him rest and was thinking of his words. So this means the man has been around Suraj, unknown of him. Suraj might be busy in his work, he couldn't see what was going around him. Now I have to look after him, I have to calm him and make his life easier.

It was the next morning, Suraj woke up and looked around to find Chakor.

"Chakor?!" He shouts loud, "damn where is she?"

Chakor could hear his frustration, "I'm in the kitchen!" She shouts back and he huffs, "but I'm here."

"Go and take a shower!" Chakor shouts from downstairs.

Suraj lifts his arm to smell on his armpit, "I'm not stinking." He said and went to take a shower just in case he didn't smelled rightly.

Chakor has prepared the food and was ready in a business outfit.

"Suraj, I will come and help you. No ifs or buts, it's final I'm coming. Only then you can focus on your real work and I will be able to filter the staff."

Suraj didn't said a word, he sat on his chair and starts with the food.


A Contract between SuKor (completed)Where stories live. Discover now