*the half confession*

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It's been three months since you reached Korea . You were really busy in the starting cuz you need some time to adjust the environment and the systems of the country and also the rules for foreign students. You almost adjusted in a month . And you're currently working on some of the documents you still have to submit in the university.

-------your first day in university----------

It was your first day in the university you're wearing a denim with a plan white tee and the Blue coat (EUNWOO's coat) on it cuz it was cold weather . You entered the gate it was still feeling just like a dream but it's reality now !!!!

You were really happy and smiling and walking around looking around at the people around you. You went to your class and sat . You saw girl group sitting at last . After few minutes they started talking about you but you were sitting there feeling uncomfortable and suddenly a girl came in shouting at me like she is frnd .

"YAHHHHH!!!!! Didn't I told you to wait for me on the gate ???"" Said the girl shouting at you and sat besides you

"Do I know you??" You asked her like whispering in her ear .

"No , but I thought you were feeling uncomfortable bcuz of that girls. Btw I'm HANA . KIM HANA" she answered in a sweet way

" Ohhhh thanks , I'm y/n , I'm a foreign student from India nice to meet you " you answered

" One of the most important question in Korea which is your favourite k-pop band??? "She asked me

" Oh about that I'm a big fan of ASTRO so I'm an AROHA ." you answered her

"OMG!!!! I'M ALSO AN AROHA !!!" she was amazed and answered in excited way

"Wow !!!"you said

"Let's be best friends!!" She said

"Let's be one " you said

--------the class ended ---------

Since it was the first day you didn't had many class it was one class for students to introduce themselves.

" So where are we going ???" Hana asked you

" I don't know much place but really want to go to shopping I still need somethings for my goshiwon " you answered

" Okay then let's go to shopping then but what you want buy so I can figure where to go" she asked you

" I still have to buy hot mat for the bed " you tell her

(After this discussion you both went to some places and you buy everything that you needed and we're done with shopping)

" Let's eat something !!" Hana said

" I really want to try ttoekbokki " you said

" Okay khaja!!!!" She said

( You really enjoyed HANA's company and you really get along with each other )

Days were passing . And you heared that there is fan sign event of ASTRO of their recently released photobook . You were so excited and called HANA and told her that and you both were so happy so apply for the participation.

2 days later you got an email saying that you have entered the fan sign event you called HANA immediately and told her .

------day of the fan sign event-----------

You entered the hall and the event was about to start and you saw someone exactly like Hana and confirm that it was her so you couldn't control happiness and shouted

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