First Day of School

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Your POV

The alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m. The time I had to be up getting ready. The start of a miserable day. At a miserable place. School!

I didn't want to believe it but it was true. Mom was shaking me awake. I refused to get out of bed. I didn't want to face the day. But eventually my mom got me going with pots and pans. (Btw I was woken up like that before it sucks)

Once I was out of bed, I rushed to get ready for school since I wasted so much time in bed. I still had to pack my book bag, make lunch, get dress, brush my teeth, do my mornings are so stressful.

Yakko POV

     I had to wake up super early to catch Y/N before she gets to school. No way I'm letting her go to school without saying goodbye first. Before I headed out, I tried to make myself look presentable.

Jumping out of the water tower, I spotted Y/N. She was slowly strolling to the school house. It pains me to see her this way. I quietly approached her not to cause a scene. She seemed happier when we made eye contact. We hugged.

"What are you doing up at this time?" She asked.

"I wanted to see you before you left."

"The school is a bit of a walk from here. If your interested, we can walk there together I'll feel better if I had someone by my side."

"Of course I'll walk with you. I'm not letting you walk to school by yourself. Ever."

We took each other's hands and strolled down the path to school.

Your POV

Yakko asked me a lot of questions about what was my plan for the school year. Questions like, "Are you going to join any sports or clubs?" "Are you going to enter any contest?" 9 times out of 10, my answer will be a hard no. Being a shy introvert, I don't join in anything extra. Besides I wasn't into theater, band, or sports anyway. Having all eyes on you is a scary site to me.

"Well since you have no reason to stay after school, you will come straight home." Yakko said. Happily wagging his tail.

When we made it to the school house, my heart stopped. My body froze. My eyes widen. Yakko was confused as to why I stopped.

     "Uhhhhhh why'd ya stopped?" He asked.

     "I-I-I just remembered I have to go pick up my dry cleaning." I said trying to sneak off.

     "Oh no you don't!" Yakko holds me back. "I made a promise to myself that you will make it to school safely. Now get in there."

     "Oh Yakko I can't! So many things can go wrong."

     "I know. I know. Just have hope for the day. I'll be here at 3:00 to pick you up. Promise."

    "Wait? You're picking me up?!"

     "Let's just say...your parents and I had a talk. Ok I love you bye bye." He said. Pushing me into the door.

     "I...I guess I'm on my own now." Seeing all the students trying to find their classes made me nervous. I feel like I can get bullied any second now. But I had to do what Yakko said. Have hope.


1,000 apologies to you all. It took my awhile to decide if I'll continue the story or not. You guys really seem to like it so I'll do it. Christmas break is soon so I'll try to update again. Maybe I'll throw in a short Christmas chapter in here too. See ya in the next chapter👋

Relationship Goals (a continuation of "My Little Secret") Yakko x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now