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Like every other cliche reincarnation stories that I read on the internet, I was hit by Truck-sama. But this time, it wasn't like I was trying to save anybody or something, I was simply crossing the road late at night. Okay, yes, I do was slightly tipsy because my colleague A just went through a heart-break and he wanted me to 'accompany' him for the sake of his endless rants, so we had lots of drinks. Honestly, I was exhausted after his rambling and wanted nothing more than to cuddle my blanket to sleep. 

Yes, I was single. My name is Dan, 22 years old typical Japanese, working as sales assitant part-time at a convenience store a couple blocks away from my flat which I was sharing with another person B. I had never seen my parents by the way. I was in an orphanage the first thing I knew. Luckily, they home-schooled their kids. I graduated college, but I was below average student so I barely scraped through and that's why I never got around to getting a high-class job like others. But none of it mattered now, as I was crossing the road at almost the middle of the night. All of a sudden I saw truck-sama speeding through the other side of the road on the red signal, and I don't know if the driver was as drunk as me but they sure must have been retarded to the core to not see the red light, as they made a human paste out of me.

However, it was a good thing though that everything ended in a flash. I did not feel any pain at all, my existence just parished, just like that... It was kind of sad now that I think about it. I didn't even get to properly bid farewell to my colleague. I didn't have many friends to begin with, so I guess it didn't matter? But man, I sure wonder what my room-mate B and my colleague A would have thought once they heard the news about the accident.

That's not the worrying part, the scary part was that after even my death I still held consciousness. I couldn't see, hear or sense anything, all I saw and heard was darkness and silence. Since there was no measure of time I can't say how long I had been in there. But in human years, it was about 2000 years that I found myself in that pitch black void. I don't even know if to call it black? When there is nothing, no existence, no colour as such, can you even tell colours apart? I bet you can't. So I'd just say, I was held in the void of nothingness for a very long time, although it didn't feel long as there was no way I could measure time, and it's not like I had the feeling of sensation... But you must now wonder, how do I know how long I was stuck there? That's because I found it out after my reincarnation. I had thought that with human death, the soul or the consciousness also die with the death of the body, but in my case all my previous knowledge was thrown out of the window.

In that dark void, I still held threads of my consciousness. I could still think and question things. However what was different was that there did not exist any sensations or emotions like fear. I felt nothing. 

The past me would have felt scared just at the thought of it, but the me right now did not. After a very long time of exactly 2000 years, I suddenly felt something pulling onto my entire existence. At first, I tried to resist but it was all in vain. I couldn't do anything against such a heaven-bending force. And then my consciousness extinguished from that void too...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2019 ⏰

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