Chapter 68 : I Said You'll Hate Me

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Rapunzel's POV

I felt like I was in heaven. No pressures l, no pain. Everything somehow was peaceful. Was I dreaming? I felt strong hands holding me tight and somehow I felt safe. I slowly started feeling my eyelids fluttering fighting the light till finally my eyes were wide opened.

I met with the most beautiful sleepy Jack. His hands were around me holding me possessively. I smiled when I stared at him as he slept. He looked so peaceful and I couldn't get my eyes off him.

I was confused how did we got in this position but then last night's events hit my mind and I blushed. I can't believe what happened but somehow I don't regret it.

I looked at Jack again and smiled. Now I think about it and after last night....I can't leave him. I won't be able to do that. How could I leave him? We were lucky to have love like ours in this life and I was going to throw it away..but no !

That's it I made up my mind, I'll tell him everything the moment he wakes up. I know it's gonna be hard and I know it's not the right time but seriously though..there's no such thing as the right time. If you wanna do it you'll make time and that's what I'll do.

I know it's gonna be hard and he'll be furious that I took so long to speak but I have faith that he'll understand I remained silent because it wasn't easy. The lies will end.

I don't care what will my mother think but I can't leave Jack. I'll tell him the whole story and I'll deal with her later.

My phone suddenly buzzed as a text arrived. At first I thought it was mum but turns out it's Hans ! What does he want now?

I need to see you now ! and if you didn't come, I'll come to you and make a scene that Jack won't like...Miss Black.

I blinked at the text and my eyes just widened. I shouldn't feel threatened but I am. Hans knows something and I know he's serious and crazy enough to come here and make a scene. I had to push him out of the way so I'll finally get to tell Jack everything. I typed him a text.

Where do you want me to go?

I replied back and waited for him to type the message.

The coast now !

I got up slowly to not risk waking Jack up. I picked an outfit and tip toed my way to the bath room. After I changed to a short jump suit and a crop top. I tip toed my way out the room closing the door behind me slowly. I sighed a sigh out of relief.

It was 6:30 am so of course Merida and Hiccup were still asleep. I sneaked out fast and quietly so non of them will wake up.

I hope this isn't one of Hans's games or this time I'll kill him myself. I need to finish this fast before Jack wakes up. Although I had a serious bad feeling about this but I decided to shake that off. I then checked my pockets, Dammit ! I forgot my phone.

I walked to the coast and saw Hans standing there alone. No one was here but us since of course everyone were either asleep or still having break fast. It was a bit windy so I hugged myself then walked to Hans.

"This better be serious" I glared at him. He had his back turned to me so he turned around and this anger and disgust all over his face.

"I can't believe you, I seriously can't believe you" He started wrinkling his face. I blinked.

"Excuse me?" I scoffed.

"I knew you lied about your name but I never knew that you lied about this much !" He yelled and I gulped. My heart almost stopped then started beating fast.

"I....I don't know what you're talking about" I stuttered.

"Pitch Black ! Does this ring a bell?" The moment he said that name I gasped and almost had a heart attach "He's your father isn't he? That fucking mafia leader is your father !"

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