Chapter 57 : Secrets Are Weight

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Jack's POV

"What?" She breathed. I can feel her eyes looking shocked at me. I sighed and looked at her. I showed how I truly feel, I showed her the real me. I was sure I looked sad, drained, emotionally tired and spiritually dead.

Well that's how I've been feeling for so long now and I never showed it to anyone...but it's time to show it to someone who actually deserves it.

"It was not an accident....she was murdered" I said angrily as I started remembering everything.

"Jack what are you saying?" She gulped as she asked.

"You asked me why I hate Hans so much" I mentioned, she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion "well now you know the reason"

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She walked closer to me and held my face.

"How come?" She asked. I looked into her eyes then back at mum's picture making her hands drop from my face.

"It happened 10 years ago, we met Hans and his family and slowly my father started becoming friends with his day we were invited to their part in their house" I closed my eyes stopping my mouth unintentionally only because I can't seem to let the words out.

"What happened at the party?" I heard her voice.

"A break in happened, I was only a child so I don't remember the details but I remember this....they were a gang, guns started to shoot and everyone was scared.....I was so scared" I took a breath because saying all this is not easy "I remember seeing their leader looking at me, I didn't see his face but I remember his cold eyes"


"I don't remember much after that, all I saw black and everyone started screaming, the sound of the police made me snap out of it, I opened my eyes and all I saw was my mother's body just lying there, not moving as blood came out from her....she was lifeless and the pink colour disappeared from her face...the next thing I remember was me at the police station" I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Rapunzel fingers wiping my tears away.

"I..I am sorry...god I feel terrible" She stroked my hair with her other hand.

"That's not all of it" I continued, she got confused "After 3 years, dad discovered that it wasn't exactly an accident, the gang actually had a target.....Hans's mother.....but the bullet hit mum"

I felt Rapunzel throw herself embracing me so tight. I really needed that hug. I missed her so much, and getting all this off my shoulders made me feel so much relief. She comforted me because honestly I wasn't that okay, but having her here and sharing this with her, made me feel that I am not alone.

After a few minutes we pulled away slowly. I looked into her eyes and they had so many emotions but the most obvious one was guilt.

"I am...Oh god I...." She sighed as the words seemed nearly impossible to come out of her mouth "Oh Jack I am so ashamed of myself....I am sorry of how I ignored you" She said avoiding any eye contact with me. I smiled a half smile as I looked at her the way I always look at her.

"Jack please you should be mad at me, don't look at me with this much love" She sighed getting more sad and still not looking into my eyes.

"Punzie look at me" I demanded. I hate it when she avoids my eyes. She looked down.

"You should be mad" She replied. I smiled as I put my fingers on her chin and raised her face so I could see her face clearly. She had so many guilt in her eyes but I don't want her to feel like that.

In a blink of an eye I captured her lips that got taken back my lips as I slowly stole a kiss from her. When she started to realize what is happening, she started kissing me back with the same passion. We started pulling away but left the space between our foreheads unchanged.

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