Is this real?

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Roman's P.O.V:

Virgil is sleeping on me and he looks adorable. His eye shadow is smudged a little. My dad, Emile, walks into the room.

"Hey he okay? I heard Patton broke the news."

"He's asleep. Cried himself to sleep. Total breakdown."

"Wow....poor kid."

"Yeah..I'm not mad at Patton though. He just wanted to protect him. I want to protect him too."

"You really love Virgil huh?"

"Who wouldn't?"

He smiles and walks out of the room. Remus comes in with tears in his eyes. He sits on the edge of the bed. He has his clothes on at least.


"Ethan is suicidal...."

"Oh shit...One of those days?"

"Yeah...and it's Logan's fault..."

"Wait..Ethan is adopted too?!"

"Yeah! And Logan didn't tell him- wait what do you mean 'too'?"

"Virgil isn't Patton's kid." He gasps and Virgil shifts a little in my lap. Remus lowers his voice.

" Virgil and I hate Patton and Logan right now."

"They just wanted to protect them. It's not right how they broke the news but I would want to protect my kids too."

"Dude they were wrong! Ethan is ready to end his life over this."

"I am sorry but I can't control the past. But he'll be okay. You guys will get through it. You always have."

"He's my soulmate...yet I feel like we are drifting apart." He's actually crying and it's hard to make him cry.

"Remus...what are you saying..?"

"I'm thinking about getting the surgery."

My heart drops. In our world there are two ways to disconnect from your soulmate. One way is to die. The other way is worse in my opinion. There is a special surgery that can disconnect you from your soulmate without killing you. The only downside is that you will suffer from being numb from any emotions for the rest of your life.


"I don't want to be with someone who doesn't commit. I have to do something."

" your brother I can't say yes!"


"Ethan doesn't hate you! He's dealing with a lot, Remus."

"WELL MAYBE I HATE HIM!" I notice Ethan at the door and he's shaking. Remus sees him too and stands up.


Ethan smiles sadly.

"I'm apparently not your 'babe' anymore Remus." And Ethan walks out, leaving Remus stunned.

"Shit...what did I just do?"

"You fucked up. Now go before Virgil wakes up."

"Whatever asshole! Fuck you too."

Yep life is going great.

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