"How about some chips and salsa..we can share?" His smiled reached wide across his face.

"I'd like that."

"Oooh? How about we also share some buttered crab cakes?"

"And you sir?" the waitress stood behind me.

I turned my attention to the her noticing that everyone else had already ordered but me and Adam."Oh we'll take the Roman buttered crab cakes with some chips and dip"

"Will that be all ? "

Adam raises up in his chair and his voice deepens. Shocked I glanced twice just to make sure it was the same kid. 

"Uuuh.... No l also will have some of your Toasted Brioche Rounds with Creme Fraiche and Caviar " I glanced and saw that Adam had finally looked like a teenager. He notices me looking and his smile and returns back at me with a hand covering my own , I pause and notice that he was really sweet. I could feel the effect Adam had on me and it was positive. I felt uplifted like a child.

"So Alex whats your favorite subject?" Bark asked me 

"You mean like in school?" I clear my throat.


"umm well English I guess, I like to write"

"That's good, Jeremey also likes to write but he doesn't really  talk about it" I glanced at Jeremey who was responded noncholanty at his name being mentioned.

"Its a good way to improve my memory and vocabulary."

"Agreed.. Haha"  Bark chuckled loudly, trying to fill the emptiness from the question. I could tell he was desperate to make me happy. "What about sports, anything your interested in?" I could clearly see that Bark wanted my attention. He was a happy little puppy waiting upon my answers.

"I like sports." I say off the top of my head just not the kind your thinking of.

"Really which ones have you played?"

"None, I'm an observer"

"Ooh a sport of its own I like that "I chuckled at his comment and he began too smile off of mine.

The waitress came around again and poured my mom, Bark and Thomas some red wine.  Another male waiter had came around and poured the rest of us our choice. The waiter looked at my mother with awe and then saw me. 

"Mother?" he asked poring my sprite

I look up "Yea how'd you know" I state calmly with a smile

He laughs "You guys look just alike." I got to admit he was cute. He had tannish skin with dark brown beach boy locks tucked perfectly by his ears and a cute smile. My moms voice breaks my focus.

"Aww thank you sweetie. " she rests her chin on her hand.

"Of course.. how young are you anyway?"


"wow! and him?" 


"Beautiful,  both of you" . She laughs in flattery and thanks him heavily with compliments. My mom is a sucker for dark brunets that's why it makes me thinks its  even cuter that she's with Bark who has blond hair.

The waiters  leaves and I noticed that the table was silent  they all looked angry for some reason. Even Mr. Bark showed eyes full with fire. My mother drinks her wine unaware of the tensions and says

"Oh yea boys.. I wanted to remind you of my nephews that are going to be coming for the next three weeks" I flipped my head quickly.

"what cousins?"

"Oh .. just Kenny and Keith" she gulps and glances at me with innocent eyes "Did I forget to tell you?"

Oh that women she didn't forget. She knows very well that she didn't forget  those idiots.

I calmly state "Oh yes mom ..you must have forgot" I  sarcastically remarked but chuckle sipping my drink.

I smirk in her direction and she smiles

"who are youre cousins ?" Adam asks

"Idiots..you dont want to know and techniquely their not even my cousins our moms are just really close friends."

" Really,  what's their gender?" Barks fork clangs on the table and silence falls. "Adam" he clears his throat "How about we talk bout other things yea, Why dont you ask alex about his drawings?" I could tell that Bark was being considerate. So even though I had no problem with the question, I still shot him a quick nod and a smile.

The appitizers finally come and they are steamed to perfection, the crab buttered roles melted in my mouth as I took my first bite." Mmmm...this is so good." I moaned with delight and everyone chuckled. Thomas finally speaks "Haha... keep it pg sir" he laughs and continues his conversation with Derek. Jeremy was still keened on his phone so I decide to say something, but when I did Adam shoved over the Toasted Brioche Rounds with Creme Fraiche and Caviar. It looked like a dessert but it had caviar. I took a bite out of the foreign food and "Mmm this is really good.. " Jeremy and my eyes connected, I turned my head the opposite way and he started talking to his brothers so I decide to leave it be.  As the night rolled on we received our main course which a consistency of meat, meat and more meat. These boy weren't vegetaians and it was fulling the table. I had the Royce wood fire steak house recommended by Bark. I could tell Bark was a good father he knew all his sons orders to the T. He even knew my preference for my sweets and drinks, no wonder he was successful. For the next thirty minutes mom found things that we all could talk about. We all laughed and smile at the topics that were brought up. like how Derek is obsessed with astronomy and how Jeremy doesn't like orange. Adam on the other hand had many things to say. We talked about his video games and his favorite shows. Adam was overjoyed by our conversation, even more by our physical contact. Haha he just got closer and closer *nervous laugh*, by the end of the night we could be conjoined. Derek finally begins to speak to me.

"So what do you think ?"

I look up  "What do I think about what?"

"About us?" I finished my bite and titled my head

"Great, why do you ask ?" The table turned silent, and everyone was looking at me. I could tell that some were uncomfortable with the question but all wanted to know.

"Well I always wondered why we never met before.. I mean our parents have been dateing for three years now." its not really a shocking things to ask, but I was uncomfortable.

"Well I like it .. it feels homey" I take another bite out of my food.

Bark looked so happy by my answer and cutely smiled to himself.  Then he raises his glass 

"Well will dedicate this to homey."

We all cheer and clank our glasses "To homey."

We finally finished dinner and I walk off to the bathroom, it was tourse the back so I walked through the middle of the room. "Hey you guys leaving " stopped by a voice I see the handsome waiter from earlier," Yea.. I just have to use the bathroom though." I point tourse the restrooms.

" Cool well it was nice meeting you guys hope you enjoyed your night", I began to walk off and he stopped me, wait you have something in your hair. He reaches his hand out "May I ?"

I laugh "Sure." he traced my cheeckbone and left a lasting sensation that I laughed at.

"Ticklish huh." 

"yea sure I guess " he and I laugh and then *Boom* What the fuck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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