Chapter 3

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Jin's POV

The TV doesn't work but we're all staring at it in the living room. 

None of us have looked out the window in the past almost 11 hours. We're scared of what we're gonna see.

I want to look. I'm ready to see. I'm scared, of course, but I know I need to see. 

"Um, Namjoon," He looks up at me along with the boys. I'm nervous to ask but I need to, it should happen. 

"D-do you think we should maybe look through the window? Just to see what's happening since the news isn't working. 

He looks sort of shocked but he still nods standing up. I grab his hand and we walk towards the window. 

He slowly pulls back the curtain covering the window. I shake gripping his hand as I see everything outside. 

Suddenly I realize something. There is a girl, can't be anymore than 2, standing in the middle of the street with a inhuman creature slowly walking towards her from about 7   yards away.

"Namjoon! We need to go get her." I immediately run from the window. 

"Wait!" I can hear yell, but I'm already out the door. I'm running out the door to the street and shes close by. I yell for her as I run towards her.

The creature is almost by her when I reach her. She screams, but I pick her up and run for the building. I can see Namjoon  holding the door open for me and I quickly slip through. He immediately locks the door.

I'm holding the little girl tight, shaking and hyperventilating. Namjoon takes her and helps me back up the stairs t the dorm. 

The boys are all by the door scared. When they see the little girl they ran to Namjoon to get her. She's still crying, obviously scared.

Jimin takes her from Namjoon and holds her tight rubbing her back.  Taehyung pulled Jungkook with him and came back a few minutes later with a blanket and a stuffed tiger Jungkook won him during one of our old Run! episodes. 

He wraps the blanket around the girl and gives her the stuffed animal. She hugs the toy tightly.  Jimin sits down on couch comforting the girl with Yoongi and Hoseok on either side of him. 

I was shaking with adrenaline still coursing through my veins when I suddenly broke into tears. I bent down on my knees with my hands to my face as cried.

I felt namjoon wrap himself around me while petting my hair. We hugged for a while, hearts beating quickly in realization and fear.

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