“How she gave herself the laughing gas?”

“Yeah. Well she told the board I did it.”

Amb shot up. “She what?”


“After you tried to help her? Oh no.” She got up and put on her robe.

“Where you going baby?”

“To call the fucking dental board right now and tell them that shit is not true. And if they would’ve did a fucking proper investigation they would’ve known that!”

She looked so funny ranting and then throwing her hair in a pony-tail. She went into the living room.

“Get in here.” She said out loud.

I quickly got up and put on my boxers. Being careful not to wake Sata who seemed to have still slept through Amb’s rant. I closed the bedroom door.

She was looking online for the number.

“That’s not the end of the story baby.”

“What do you mean that’s not the end of the story?” She was scrolling through her computer.

“The board expelled me.”

“They what!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Without a fucking hearing?” She stood up.

“That’s illegal and against your rights as a student of that university.”

Bay-beh,” She said sistah girl style.  “Them mother- fuckers are going to hear something serious from me tomorrow. Let me call my boss right now, cause I’m not coming in. I will be at the University of Pennsylvania bright and early. As soon as them mother-fuckers get there. I am giving them a piece of my fucking mind, thinking they can fuck up my baby’s future. Hell no. Do you have a U-Penn student handbook?” She looked up at me with the angriest look I had ever seen on her face.

“Uh…nah babe. I--.”

“Let me go ask Stacy.” She went to put on some clothes.

Now she had me scared to tell her the rest.

“Babe, they did give me a hearing.”

She stopped dead in her tracks facing the closed bedroom door.

“And you didn’t tell me?” She said facing the bedroom door in a low tone. “How long ago was this?” She didn’t turn to me.

“Uh…two months.” I said super fast and looked down.

She turned around with furrowed eyebrows, I could tell she was pissed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” She walked over to me. Although I was taller than her, I felt small caught in the heat of her anger.

“Answer me.” She softly grabbed my face to look at her.

“I thought I could handle it.”

“You thought you could handle it.” She laughed. “August I am laughing to keep from pouncing on your black ass right now. I know they told you, you could get a lawyer.”

“Yeah but I didn’t know one.”

“So the lawyer you just fucked doesn’t count huh?”

“You not licensed in Philly.”

“It’s an educational mediation case. You don’t need to be licensed in the state dumb-ass!” She grabbed her head in frustration and paced.

“Baby I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“You never know August. You and your fucking ego. Always trying to handle shit on your own.”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She yelled super loud.

I sat on the couch and rested my head in my hands.

She went in the room and grabbed a suitcase, and started throwing clothes in there.

“Amb!” I went in there in A panic. “Where you going?” I grabbed her arm, she gave me a look like don’t touch me. I let her go.

“I try again and again to show you that I’m there for you August. That I want to help and support you, but you and your fucking ego just won’t let me.” She slammed some toiletries inside the suitcase as well.

“Don’t leave me baby please. I’m sorry.” I begged her.

“I’m not leaving you. But I can’t stay here. You can take care of Sata while I’m gone.”

“Where you going?”

“I have to try to figure out a good enough argument so that the board will open the case again. If you don’t appeal it within a month of the decision, the deadline to appeal is closed. Except for good cause. We’re at two months now. I just…I just…I can’t be here right now.”

“Baby please.” I sat on the bed and started to cry watching her. “I wasn’t trying to shut you out, I just didn’t want to be a burden to you.”

She zipped up the luggage and changed into regular clothes.

“I’ll call you when I know where I’m staying.” She got the luggage and left out the room.

“Amb, baby.” I followed her. “Don’t leave me. Please.”

“August I’m doing this because I have to put everything I have into figuring this out. I can’t do that here with distractions. This isn’t just a case. This affects my life, because it affects yours. If I lose this, I will never be able to live with myself baby. The pressure is on and I have to rise to that challenge.” Tears fell down her cheeks and she wiped them away. She reached up on her tippy toes and pecked my lips.

“I love you.” She said, then left out.


IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES Book 2Where stories live. Discover now