Chapter 2 Grey Eyes

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I get up off the wall, standing up straight. I can't concern myself with the grey eye'd guy at the moment. I have to deal with the shaky gun currently being pointed between my eyes. I analyze his heart-rate.

"J-Just fucking leave already!" He's scared, unsure of what to do. From what I can tell he doesn't want to kill me, if he pulls the trigger, he would first hesitate granting me time. The only thing that I'm concerned about is the unpredictability of his iritic shaking. It has no pattern. I'd have to risk it. I concentrate on keeping my skin solid, just in case before I throw a roundhouse and kicked the gun out of his hand. I catch it mid air and unload it onto the ground before shoving it in the back of my pants. He stands there in complete stunned silence for a moment as I reach into my pocket and press my dedicated 'police' button on my phone.

"W-what the hell- how did you- what did you-"

"You know, you're a little too old to be playing with toys." I say, referring to the gun. "I suggest sticking to board games, a lot less stressful on the heart, you know?"

"Who the hell are you...? Do you work for him?!" He says, gesturing to the guys who's ass I had just saved. "Do you work for the Westminsters?!" I had no idea what the shaky man was talking about.

"Listen dude, I don't know what you're talking about but I don't work for anyone." After saying that grey eyes decided to chime in, his voice calm as if he wasn't a part of this situation or even aware of it.

"So you just do this for fun then?" He said, smiling in a strangely disingenuous way at the idea. I've never seen a person smile like that before, gave me chills. I knew I wasn't normal but this guy might just have me beat.

"Yea wow, how did you know my kink was almost dying?" I was oozing sarcasm which I wasn't entirely sure this guy was going to understand. At those words though he let out a chuckle, one that I didn't understand and didn't want to understand ether.

"That's fairly tame." Hm, yea no that's uh, that's not really anything I wanted to hear right now. Guess I am eating my own shit though since I basically opened the door for that. Sirens could be heard in the distance now, which was my cue to leave thankfully. The shaky guy looked around frantically.

"N-No! This can't end like this!" He lunged at grey eyes, gripping onto his coat.
"Give it to me! You promised! We had a deal!" He shook him hard, but grey eyes was completely unfazed. He didn't have a gun anymore so I wasn't all that worried but I ripped him off the guy anyway, landing him on his ass.

"Listen if you have a problem with this guy, take it up with the police. Otherwise you're the one that ends up fucked." Just as I said that a cop car pulled into the alleyway. I leave the gun on the ground for the police to find before jumping up and grabbing onto one of the ally's fire escapes. I make my way up to the top of the building, not realizing that grey eyes was watching me the entire time.

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