⇀ Somebody Told Me

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Blonde curls, fluffy bangs combined with the mesmerizing serpent eyes, precious as peridot.

Breaking my back just
to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've
had it with this game

His skilled hand ran through his beautiful locks of hair as he sang the tribute song.

I'm breaking my back just
to know your name
But heaven ain't close
in a place like this

Girls filled the performance arena to see the gorgeous guitarist and singer from Norway.

Anything goes but
don't blink, you might miss
Cause heaven ain't close
in a place like this

The glimmer of his eyes almost seemed to focus on me, standing in the front row, watching his beautiful show and hearing his perfect tune.

I said heaven ain't close
in a place like this
Bring it back down,
bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let
a rumor ruin my moonlight

My heart skipped a beat inside of my chest as he smiled through his words, seemingly aimed at me.

Well, somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

"I call her Helga because she is sacred to me." He told me, fixing the tuning on his old guitar, sitting with me backstage from his show. I smiled at him and nodded, knowing full well who the goddess Frigg was as I sipped from the delicious mug of coffee he made for me, himself.

It's not confidential
I've got potential
Ready, let's roll onto
something new

"Would you like to touch it?" He asked me as we stepped into the black tinted van. "Yes, of course." I laughed as we settled into the spotless leather seats. He took my wrist gently, leading it to his fluffy mop of hair. I brushed my fingers through his fluffy blonde curls. Just as fluffy as I could have imagined.

Taking its toll, and
I'm leaving without you
Cause heaven ain't close
in a place like this

His lips felt warm against the dip of my shoulder, my eyelids shut tight as if trying to wake up from, what seemed to be, the perfect dream.

I said heaven ain't close
in a place like this
Bring it back down,
bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let
a rumor ruin my moonlight

My hands wandered his bare pale chest, marveling at his figure under my fingertips. His fingers dusted the thousands of freckles along my pudgy arms before finding their home on my bare sloping waist.

Well, somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

The morning light against my hooded eyes lulled me awake.

It's not confidential
I've got potential

The early morning disorientation shielded my groggy eyes.

Rushing, rushing around
Pace yourself for me

Then the memories of the night before flooded my brain as I saw the snoozing blonde beside me, pale skin glowing in the morning light.

I said maybe, baby please
But I just don't know now
When all I wanna do is try

My brain sped miles per hour as I quietly slipped from the large hotel suite bed, scooping my various items of clothing from the floor before running to the bathroom.

Well somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

I emerged quietly from the large bathroom, completely dressed, only to be greeted with the handsome blonde man I had fallen asleep with the night prior. "Where are you going?"

It's not confidential
I've got potential
Rushing, rushing around

"Well, I just, I thought you wanted me to leave before you woke up?" I explained, though it seemed more like a question. He only laughed to himself before taking my large clunky boots from my little hand, setting them on the ground. "I have yet to treat you to breakfast."

Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

The breakfast tasted absolutely wonderful. I had underdressed though, only wearing my long sleeved shirt from the night before and my yellow underwear.

It's not confidential
I've got potential
Rushing, rushing around

"Will I be seeing you again, lovely?" He asked as he held the door open for me, I turned back from the threshold with a small smile, blush painting my cheeks. "I should hope so. How does next Thursday night sound?" I asked thoughtfully, he chuckled and nodded, his fluffy bangs flying freely with his movements. "I would love that. And maybe I will do more than just kiss you goodnight next time." He said with a little playful wink.

Somebody told me
you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year

I practically skipped out to my Uber, so happy for my next date with Sigurd Ragnarsson.

It's not confidential
I've got potential
Rushing, rushing around

©️ the killers - somebody told me

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