Eventually we have three littles on the bad Sam talking to me and Taylor enthusiastically Chase is showing Bryce, Jaden and Anthony his toy cars. Payton watches me and Taylor looking bored.

Payton sighs softly a few times but I just thought maybe he was getting tired again. Sam moves to sit In my lap as Chase moves to show the whole group his cars. Chase hands out cars to each of us excitedly.

When Tayler starts to ask questionss about his car Chase happily answers, Sam "drives" his car up and down my arms making me laugh. The two boys have me and Taylor's full attention for a minute and then all hell breaks loose.

Payton moves off the bed over to Tayler without me noticing he's standing on the other side of the bed when suddenly he takes the car Tayler was holding out of his hands and shoved Chase away.

Chase hits the floor hard he's shocked for a moment before he starts to cry. Tayler rushes to Chase picking him up off the floor

"Payton that was very mean tell chase you're sorry" Tayler scolds

"No" Payton states harshly shaking his head

"Payton you need to say you're sorry right now" I tell him voice firm

He shakes his head at me and stomps his foot.

I sigh and hand Sam to Anthony and walk over to Payton.

Payton gets a hopeful look on his face when I come up to him he reaches out for me but I take him by the shoulders instead of his hand and stand him in front of Tayler and Chase.

"Tell Chase you're Sorry now Payton" I tell him my voice dropping sounding harsh

He glares at me then at chase and Tayler before kicking Tayler as hard as he can in the shin.

"Payton" I yell grabbing the boy firmly pulling back.

Tayler hisses in pain before handing Chase off to Bryce.

"Balcony now!" He says looking pissed dragging me and Payton outside

I think Payton finally realizes he's crossed the line I can see the fear in his eyes. As soon as the balcony door is closed Tayler sits Payton down and crouches in front of the boy to be at eye level with him.

Payton avoids his gaze

"Payton Moormeier look at me right now" Tayler says firmly

Payton slowly looks at Tayler looking scared shirtless

"Want to tell me what has gotten into you young man" Tayler asks

"Mine" Payton says grasping at Taylers hand

Tayler looks at me then back to Payton confused. Payton reaches out to me then with his other hand

"Mine" he called desperately trying to reach me

"Payton..." I start but Payton just looses it

"Mine! Mine! My Daddies! Mine!" He shouts over and over pulling us to him

"Payton were you jealous of Chase and Sam" I ask

"Mine" is all he mumbles pushing his face into Taylers neck

"Payton if you were upset you should have said something pushing and kicking is not acceptable and you will say sorry and then you will sit in time out" Tayler scolds pulling Payton away from his neck

"What you did was not okay baby" he says

"Mm sorry dada" Payton cries reaching out for Tayler but Tayler just stands moving away from Payton

Tayler opens the balcony door and I lead Payton back into the room. I guide Payton over to Chase and make him apologize to the other boy.

Payton says a heartfelt sorry the best he can earning a hug from Chase and he looks hopeful up and me earning a small smile but when he looks to Tayler the hopeful look disappears to the sad face I know will lead to tears. Tayler doesn't look happy still as he takes Payton over to the corner of the room.

Payton's Pov: Dada takes me to the corner of the room and makes me sit facing the wall

"You'll sit here for five minutes no moving no talk when you are done you'll be forgiven but when you act bad you get punished okay so five minutes of time out" He tells me

I nod and he turns my head to face the wall but when he leaves I start to cry. I don't want to be alone I just want my daddies they're mine not Chase and Sams.

I don't want to be alone I don't want to be alone I look over to catch daddy's eyes I reach for him tears running down my face I reach for him desperately

"Face the wall Payton" he tells me sadly and turns away from me

I just sob leaning my head against the wall

Five minutes feels like five ever all I can do is cry and wait for daddies to get me

When I feel hands on my shoulders I look up and find dada I just sob reaching up for him.

He pulls me up holding me to his chest

"Sh sh baby you're okay I'm right here I forgive you it's all over" he tells me

I just hold on tightly to him daddy comes over and rubs my back trying to soothe me. Having both my daddies makes me feel a lot better and I start to settle down I don't even hear the knock on the door.

I'm just happy to have my daddies.

Tayler's Pov: There's a knock on the Door and Jaden gets it

"Bubba!" Chase and Sam call excitedly

I look over and see the boys and their littles happily greating eachother.

"Oh thank god" I sigh at the sight of them

"How were they" Kevin asks

"Angels super easy this one on the other hand" I say trailing off bouncing Payton

"He's been pretty clingy today he didn't take nicely to having to share our attention and pushed Chase and kicked Tayler but everyone is okay now" Griffin explains

"I didn't mean to make PayPay sad" Chase says

"Me-me too" Sam says wringing his hands together

"Boys it wasn't your fault we just weren't being good daddies" I tell them with a sigh

"Hey don't do that to yourself" Noen says

"Yeah you're new too this whole thing" Bryce reassures

"You guys where doing your best" Anthony adds

"One little bump in the road you live and you learn" Jaden says

"And Sammy says he had a great time" Harrison adds

"Thanks guys" I tell them

"Maybe next time we have a play date with all the caregivers here" Griffin laughs

About an hour later I'm with Griffin and Payton in their room. We had eaten takeout together come back to Griffin's room and gotten Payton ready for bed.

Getting the little to brush his teeth was hard and Griffin ended up doing it for him but over all he was easy just very sleepy.

Payton was currently laid between me and Griffin on the bed he was cuddled to my side and Griff rubbed his back.

It wasn't long before soft snores could be heard and I released a tired sigh.

"You can sleep here tonight if you want" Griffin says

"Thanks man" I tell him settling next to Payton

There's an entire other empty bed in the room but me and Griffin both choose to sleep on either side of our little for the night.

Stressed Payton Moormeier bromance Where stories live. Discover now