Chapter 4

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1 year later -

Axel and I've been dating for a year now; papa spent seven months in jail and when he released, the court ordered him the court ordered him not to have any contact with me or my siblings; so, he's living ten miles away from us and da and mama have cut all ties with him. Ya-ya still sees him once a week but she goes to him.

Axel and I are planning on marrying in a week; a simple wedding here at da and mama's backyard with the community, our families and friends in attendance. I'm a nervous wreck and it isn't even the day of the ceremony yet; Axel seems cool as a cucumber though about the entire thing.

"Baby, what are you working on?" Axel asks as he enters the workshop; he's just arrived home from college.

Axel's been taking business classes at the local community college for his four-year degree; he's in his second year of four since he took a year our last year of high school. He's doing this to help me run the furniture business when da hands it down.

"A rocking chair for Mrs. Yoder; she's gifting it to Daniel and Tabitha," I smile; thinking of my best friend and his wife, who is seven months pregnant with a boy; they're naming him Daniel Levi Yoder.

Axel hums in response as he lightly kisses my cheek as I ask him; "How was your classes?"

Turning in his hold to face him after placing the tool on the workbench, wrapping my arms around his waist and lying my head on his chest under his chin.

"Good, I have a project due in two of my classes that's due in two days; so, I will be a little busy and won't be able to spend much time with you. I'm sorry baby," he whispers into my hair.

"That's understandable, so don't worry about me; focus on your projects," I murmur into his chest; tightening my arms around his waist.

Axel tightens his grip on my waist as he lightly kisses the top of my head; "Are you done for the day; mom was wondering if you'll have dinner with us tonight?"

Smiling to myself as I say; "I'd love, too; let me tell mama and ya-ya and then I'll clean myself up."

Axel pulls away so we can walk to the house, hand in hand; entering the house, we can hear my sisters talking to mama and ya-ya in the kitchen; so that's where we head.

"Mama, I'm having dinner at Axel's tonight," I softly tell her; as I pick Rachel up and place her on my hip with a smile.

"That's fine, Levi; please be home by 8 p.m., we have wedding items to discuss," she says while feeding Leah her baby food.

"Yes, mama," I respond quietly; smiling at her and Leah as Rachel pats my shoulder gently with her head on my shoulder.

"Alrightson," mama says smiling back as I try placing Rachel on her feet but she won't.

"Rachel, I need to go to Axel's," I inform her; trying to have some alone time with my soon-to-be-husband.

"Go wif you," she mumbles; clinging to my neck.

"Rachel, let Levi go; you are not going with them," ya-ya firmly tells her; taking her from my hold and places her on her feet.

"Thank you, ya-ya," I murmur; kissing her cheek; she nods shooing Axel and I away with her hands and a soft smile.

Walking next door to the Morgan home, we enter to hear Ashlen arguing with Mrs. Morgan; "It's fucking irritating that we can't have alcohol at their reception just because of his religion."

"Ashlen, that's enough!" Mrs. Morgan hollers; her tone angry.

Hanging my head from embarrassment that my religion is causing issues with Axel's family.

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