Chapter 2

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Every day for the next week I'm excused from my chores to help da and papa work on Mr. Morgan's order; so it is done in a reasonable time. I've seen Axel and his siblings everyday being bing picked up and dropped off by their yellow school bus; except weekends. Every morning and every afternoon when I see Axel, I find both of us starring at each other; finding my self also fantasizing about doing sexual activities with him and him doing them to me.

"Levi, have you finished the chairs you've been working?" papa asks; coming from the back where he's been staining the table that him and day finished.

"Yes, papa," I respond; placing my hand tool on the tabletop with a satisfied smile.

"Good boy; you've done fine work," papa praises as he inspects the eight chairs I've completed.

"Thank you, papa," I murmur; heat flooding my cheeks at his praise.

"Levi, we can stain the chairs tomorrow," papa informs da; who enters the main section from the back.

"Beautiful work, son," da parises; as he too inspects the finished chairs, the heat in my cheeks intensifying.

"Thank you, da," I murmur; leaving my eyes cast downward.

"Time for dinner," Ezekiel softly informs us; as he knocks on the workshop door lightly.

Smiling at my brother as much as I love every one of my siblings; I have the closest bond with Ezekiel and Rebecca. The four of us head inside the house after the three of us have cleaned our hands off.

"Mama, da, may I head to bed after dinner?" I ask; partway through our meal.

Da and mama both search my face for several seconds before mama replies; "Yes, you may Levi; are you feeling unwell?"

"Thank you, no, mama, I'm just exhausted today."

Mama nods satisfied with my answer; allowing the conversation to move onto other topics. Wasn't happy with the one topic that came up, though; papa brought it up and I was instantly scared of how my family would react.

"The Hanson's oldest son, Simon, announced that he's gay today at the hardware store; when he was asked if he had his eye on a young lady."

Swallowing around the sudden lump in my throat; terrified how my family will react to the information. I didn't have long to fret over the possibilities for too long.

"Love is love; it shouldn't matter the genders," mama answers softly; a thoughtful expression on her face.

"I don't agree but as long as Simon is happy; who am I to judge," da answers.

Papa's face hardens into a deep frown; "It goes against everything we believe in."

"Times are changing and we are also taught tolerance and not to judge, papa," mama kindly reminds him.

"Levi, what's your view on this topic?" papa asks me; my heart thumping widely in my chest.

Breathing deeply as I decide that's it's now or never to come clean to them; "I think Simon is brave for stating his sexuality. So, I'm going to follow his lead; "I'm gay and I find Axel Morgan attractive."

Everyone's silent for several minutes; with each passing second, my heart rate increases and my breathing from fear.

"Not funny, Levi," papa growls at me; his lips set into a deep frown.

Lowering my eyes completely terrified now; "I'm not joking, papa."

"You will not live in this home if you're a sin!" he bellows; standing as he screams at me.

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