Chapter 28

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Bianca's POV ;

I woke up In the morning . I felt cold hands around my waist I was freezing . I turn slightly to kiss my king good morning . After I kiss him he shutters .

"Babe." he says with a morning voice

"Huh?" I say staring at him

"I'm cold ." he says

"Well you are half naked ad you aren't wearing a cover and it's cold as hell in the house." I say

"True." he says . I check my phone to see it's 2:39 . I get up remembering I have to go and work with shawn today .

"Babe I gotta go get ready ." I say to matt.

"Ugh, why?" He groans

"I gotta go to work and , You do to goofball, aren't you shooting. A movie or video today ? " I ask curiously

"Yeah." he groans once more

"Wake up. " I say pushing him slightly .

"Only if I get a kiss ." he says opening his eyes widely puckering his lips .

"Fine ." I say

I peck his lips and get ready .

A/n sorry this was short I needed to give you guys a filler and prove to you all I'm not dead I just have had a lot on my Mind dealing with drama with Matt and him not liking my bf . sorry and volleyball season is over but I have basketball now sorry .

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