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She wasn't entirely sure what happened last night. She didn't really remember the whole thing, only bits and pieces. She did remember crying afterwards, though.

She hates herself for what she did. Why would I even think about doing that? She thought.

She doesn't know If it was just in the heat of the moment, or if she was wrapped around Matty's finger, either way she did an unforgivable thing last night and she'd like nothing more than to forget about it.

It was only seven thirty in the morning, and Marissa was sitting at a small table in the corner of her favorite café. Once again, she found herself lost in the scenery before her. Through the window she saw snow gently falling down from above, students rushing to get a cup of their morning caffeine, and a familiar head of curls headed towards the café.

Marissa ducked her head and turned to face the other direction, in hopes of not being spotted. She quietly began sipping her tea and started reading one of the books from her creative writing class.

"This seat taken?" A British voice chimed.

She turned around and forced a smile at the lovely boy in front of her.


"Cool." He replied, taking the seat next to her.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes. Marissa reading her books and Harry eating his scone, until he broke the heavy silence.

"Are you still upset about last night?" He asked, gently looking up at her.

"Of course not! Why would I be?" She plastered on her best fake smile, memories of last night flashing through her head.

f l a s h b a c k:

"Get down!" Matty's yell rang through the restaurant.

Marissa was so shocked, she couldn't move. She just stood there, watching the scene play out in front of her.

Matty had a gun placed to the forehead of the small cashier who looked like she was about to piss herself. She couldn't have been older than sixteen, and she had a gun aimed at her. Marissa felt like she was going to throw up.

The girl shook violently as she struggled to unlock the cash register. She pulled out every single dollar and penny that was packed in there and placed it on the counter.

Matty motioned for Marissa to come, gun still pointed at the teenager. She did as he said and slowly tried making her way over to him.

"Grab the money." He commanded, still looking at the cashier.

She grabbed it all and stuffed it into her bag, making the mistake of looking into the poor girls eyes while doing so.

She looked so scared, so fragile. Marissa wondered if the girl could see the fear in her eyes as well. She hoped the girl could see the apology in her eyes as she began walking backwards with the money.

"Run to the car." He instructed.

Marissa did just that. She would like nothing more than to start this whole day over.

They both got back in the car safely, and speed away before the police could show up. Laughter filled the car as they drove away into the night.

"Holy shit! I didn't think she would actually do it!" Isla yelled, giving Marissa a high five.

"Marissa, what happened?" Emily asked.

"Nothing bad." She tried to assure her.

"How does it feel to break the law, miss goody two shoes?" Matty laughed.

Marissa only shook her head in response. She didn't notice the worried looks the green eye'd boy was giving her.

"Well, as fun as this was, I think that's enough excitement for today." Harry stated.

"But the night's so young!" Isla exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

"Yeah well my patience isn't soooo."

"Shut the fuck up, Harry."


They drove until they reached the college campus, letting the two girls out of the car.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay and hang out for a bit?" Matty asked.

"Um, no I think we're good." Marissa muttered.

"Not even for a little bit?"

She considered it. Spending the rest of the night with him did sound tempting, but not with this Matty. She wanted to see the Matty that she saw in the art studio a few weeks back. The Matty she saw that day was different, a good different.

"Maybe Friday or something, I don't want to be falling asleep in my classes." She laughed.

"Alright, if you insist." He shrugged, speeding off into the night.

"Let's go home."

e n d . o f . f l a s h b a c k.

"Yeah I'm fine. Last night wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time." She shrugged.

"Well still, you could of said no." Harry added, studying her with his eyes.

"I know. Anyway, what happened after we left?"

His gaze lowered to the floor and he began fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well, Adam and I went home and Matty and Isla..."

Marissa's gaze snapped up at him. They couldn't have... Who's she kidding? Of course they would. Isla told her on day one that her and Matty were fuck buddy's.


"Yeah... but-"

"You know what? I actually need to go, I have class in fifteen minutes." She interrupted, grabbing her books and her tea.

"Oh, okay. Well bye." His smile didn't quite meet his eyes.

She rushed out of the café, not paying attention to her surroundings. She fast walked all the way to her ceramics class and forcefully sat down at an empty table towards the back of the room.

She went to her locker and grabbed the vase she was working on and brought it back to her desk. She began molding the clay, but found it hard to be gentle when there was so much anger and jealousy bottled up within her.

"Woah, easy there. That's a lovely vase, wouldn't want to ruin it."

Marissa didn't look up, she knew who it was and quite frankly, she didn't want to talk to him.

"Hellooo? Mary Jane?" He waved his hand in front of her face.

"What is it, Matty?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing, after last night and all." He shrugged.

"I'm fine."

"That's good. Um, did you still want to do something on Friday, or?"

"Of course, will Isla be there too?" She casually asked.

"Most likely yes."

"Awesome, well if you'll excuse me, I have a vase to finish and I work better alone." She smiled.

"Okay, see ya."

Once he left, Marissa put her head in her hands. At least he wants to spend time with her, but Isla will be with them too.

Not that she doesn't like her, she just wants alone time with Matty. She want's to see the Matty she saw when he wasn't being an asshole around his friends, if only it could happen.

All she could really do is wait and see what Friday would bring her.

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