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Marissa sat on her windowsill staring out at the rain. It's been pouring for hours, and the thunder kept getting louder and louder. Lightening would flash across the sky every so often, lighting up her apartment, but she loved it.

The storm was calming to her. The soothing sound of raindrops falling from the dark sky above put her at ease.

She had her laptop out, and was trying to write her next article for work. Even with the rain on her side, she was out of ideas.

Emily was sprawled out on her couch. She was half asleep, watching The Polar Express. They both became more awake when they heard a loud banging on the door.

"I'll get it." Emily yawned.

She walked over to the door and pulled it open. Marissa couldn't see who it was from where she was sitting, but she could hear them.

"Is Mary Jane here?" A female voice asked from the other side of the door.

"Mary Jane?" Emily replied, confused as to who she was referring to.

"Come in!" Marissa shouted from the window, already having an idea of who it was.

As she expected, Isla walked into her living room dressed a little to fancy for college. A tight red dress clung to her figure as she made her way over to Marissa.

"What's the occasion?" Marissa laughed.

"We're going out tonight with Matty, Harry and Adam." She announced.

"It's Monday." Marissa argued.

"We won't be out too late."

Marissa pondered the idea. On one side, she might have to miss her classes tomorrow. On the other, she'll get to see Matty.

"Fine, but only if Emily goes."

Emily sighed in defeat.

"I guess it can't be too bad."

° ° ° ° ° °

I S L A (two hours before)

She lay hardly clothed on the cold floor of some asshole's apartment. The windows were all open, wind whipping furiously through the room.

Matty didn't want to be with her last night, or the night before that, or the night before that.

He would normally always answer when she rung him, and he would never pass up an opportunity to shag each other.

So what's so different now?

But she knew. It was her.

Isla wanted to hate her but she knew she couldn't. Who could hate someone so sweet and lovely?
She could see how Matty fancied her. Her with those eyes, the color of unvarnished oak with deep mahogany flecks. Her hair, made up of soft chestnut ringlets.

Why wouldn't anyone want her?

But Isla wanted Matty, she needed him, she craved him. Not even in a completely romantic way, she just wanted him to herself.

He was hers and she was his.

She struggled to get on her feet, still a little dizzy from earlier. It was only eight at night, and she wasn't going to be satisfied unless she ended the night with Matty in her bed.

° ° ° ° ° °


"So please tell us again, why are we wearing skin tight dresses to a party?"

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