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Mike entered Eddie Tremble's Office, Sir! He said whilst saluting. , Reporting as oredered!
Tremble looked up from his work and returned the salute. Then with that formality out of the way bruskly replied, Sit down Seargent.

Mike seated himself in one of the chairs across from Tremble's desk without a fuss.
There. Now., Eddie moved some dossiers across his desk as he spoke. First of all, the Country's In Great Shape!

Mike knew that his boss was being sarcastic when he said certain things like that, but he chose to let him carry on anyway.
The damm Mafia Groups are running wild. Particularly in this City.
We've tried playing nice. Now we have to play hardball.
Hardball Sir?, Mike asked seemingly unwilling or unable to believe that the Mafia would really dare to break the terms of the Winslow Accord.

The Winslow Accord by it's very nature was designed to make peace possible between the law and the Mafia, but Mike hadn't always been so sure that just one accord would fully fix all the problems. There had to be a reason. Well. One good reason why the Mafia were even daring to break it.

But Sir. He said. Why would the Mafia be raising trouble?
Wouldn't they be better off if they were to abide by the Winslow Accord?
One would think so. , Eddie shrugged.
But the Mafia hasn't always been ready or willing to play by the rules.
You have a point about that Sir., Mike said.
You damm right I do!, Eddie said thumping a hand down onto his desk, hard enough to cause the paper's on his desk to be disturbed for a bit., He seemed to take it personally that The Mafia was making it difficult to focus on the other rampant Crimes being committed around the city.
It was almost as if they were trying to distract the boys and girls in blue from something. Something, he couldn't quite put his finger on, but who knew or even cared aside from The S.W.A.T Department. The normal citizen of the USA. The average joe on the street hardly seemed to notice let alone give a care unless his day was disrupted in a violent fashion.
So what did the Winslow Accord accomplish for anyone.
Well in Eddie Tremble's Mind absolutely Jack Shit.
Mike as usual tended to go along with the boss. Better to say the boss was right all along. One didn't get as far as he'd managed by being stupid. Usually stupid people had a bad habit of stopping a bullet or coming down with a nasty case of death.
Then who in the force would care when the message would be sent to the aforementioned family with the usual bullcrap sympathetic words.
No. No one got as far as he had. Unless you had the smarts and the time to put in the work.

Eddie's words brought Mike back to reality all of a sudden. A really boring, stale, shitty, reality. But reality it was nonetheless.

Sorry Sir. My bad.
I drifted off there.
You were saying?, Mike said. Clearly hoping he wouldn't have to hear Tremble tear him a new one just for dozing off.
Eddie had a reputation for putting an extremely heavy foot down to show he meant business. That reputation had been well earned. Well earned the hard way. The entire department, despite being chronically shortstaffed had learned the hard way.
It had been a well oiled cog in a old but barely functioning machine for a near millennium.

That's fine Seargent. Eddie waved him off.
It wasn't often that The Boss gave reprieves for even minor infractions.
But when he did, it usually was something.
Something else entirely.

As I was saying I believe that with the mafia running wild, we ought to be ready to pounce should they even shake so much as a finger.
I couldn't agree with you more Sir., Mike replied.
Good. Glad to hear it. You should be on your toes. We may have to call you team into action, regardless of wether or not we have the manpower or not.
Those dammed fools in their black suits running
around thinking they own the place had better think twice.
Mike agreed wholeheartedly.
If we roll over Sir that will only encourage them more.
Exactly! Commander Tremble said matter of factly.
Keep your ears and eyes open Seargent.
Will do Sir.
Will do., Mike replied.

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