My mum was ashamed of me but you guys all believe in me

Start from the beginning

I used the room key to get in and then walked over and knocked on the door to Jody's room I walked in and saw Jody doing some drawing, I smiled and sat down on the bed and said 'Wow that drawing's incredible, look Jody is everything alright'. Jody swung her legs round and sat on the edge of the bed before saying 'My brothers been sending me messages' I sat on the chair opposite her and said 'What sort of messages' Jody looked at me and said 'Stuff like he knows where I am and that he's going to hurt me'. 

I took Jody's hands and said 'Jody everything's going to be ok, we're all your friends we'd never let anything happen to you. Now get yourself changed we're having a pool party downstairs and we can't start without you Jody, your a part of Diversity'.

Jody's POV:

I felt slightly better after telling Starr what was going on I went into the bathroom and changed into my Adidas pink palm leaf swimming costume 

I felt slightly better after telling Starr what was going on I went into the bathroom and changed into my Adidas pink palm leaf swimming costume 

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I also put a pair of black shorts on and a tank top as-well, I slipped my canvas pumps on and walked back into the room I packed my towel into my bag and said 'Starr will you need to tell Ashley what I told you' Starr smiled and said 'If you want me to then I can tell Ashley, and it might be a good idea in-case he does turn up' I smiled and nodded agreeing with what Starr had said. Once we were both ready we left and made our way back down to the swimming pool once we got there everyone was sat around the tables there were various Pizza express boxes on the table. 

After we'd all eaten I suggested to the guys that we split into two teams and played a game of water polo. 

Team 1 Jordan, Jody, Starr, Nathan, Perri Georgia and Sam

Team 2 Ashley, Morgan, Terry, Mitchell, Warren and Shantel 

With all the fun and laughter I forgot all about Kingsley and the messages he'd been sending me, and now I was just full of excitement at the thought of performing on stage with Diversity for the first time. 

(Still Jody's POV:)

I woke up bright and early and made my way into my en-suite bathroom and had a nice hot bath with some sherbet lemon bubble bath in it, luckily I washed my hair when I got back to my room last night after the pool party after my bath I got dressed into some fitness clothes for rehearsals before this evenings show.

I woke up bright and early and made my way into my en-suite bathroom and had a nice hot bath with some sherbet lemon bubble bath in it, luckily I washed my hair when I got back to my room last night after the pool party after my bath I got dressed...

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I packed everything I would need into my dance bag and pulled my trainers on before making my downstairs to meet the others for breakfast. Once we arrived at the venue we made our way backstage and went up onto the stage to start having a run through of the show, after we'd all run through the show most of the guys went off to have physio sessions, the girls went off to grab coffee's I turned to Ash and said 'Do you mind if I use the stage for a bit', Ashley smiled and said 'No of course not that's fine, Pel do you mind staying just in-case something happens'.

I unlocked my phone and put my favourite track on and placed it down beside where Perri was sat before walking into the middle of the stage and slowly starting to dance in time with the music.

Perri's POV:

Jody's dance was incredible she looked so happy once she'd finished dancing she sat down on the edge of the stage, I walked over and handed her a bottle of water I sat down beside her and said 'That dance was brilliant, are you feeling nervous'. Jody nodded slightly and said 'A little bit, but I think once the show gets started tonight i'll be fine. Actually Perri can I ask you something', I turned to face her and sat cross legged on the stage Jody smiled and said 'I want to know why you guys chose me over all the other girls that auditioned that day. My own mum was ashamed of me she told me I would never be good at anything, but you guys all believe in me you gave me a chance to prove myself I just want to know why'.

I hugged Jody and said 'I'm going to be honest you were the best dancer at those auditions and also we could tell that you had loads of talent that you'd kept locked away inside of you, and at Dance-works we love helping people take their dance talent to the full potential. 

Jody's POV:

Listening to what Perri told me honestly bought tears to my eyes I used my sleeve to wipe away the tears I gave him a quick hug as Jordan came onto the stage and said 'Hey guys we need to start getting ready and warming up', I looked at my watch and said 'oh wow I didn't realise what time it was'. As I walked backstage Jordan turned to me and said 'Ash told me that your brothers been sending you messages' I nodded and said 'Yeah but I've not thought about it much today what with rehearsals and everything', Jordan placed a comforting arm around my shoulders and said 'ok but if he sends you anymore messages tell me or any of the others guys'. 

I nodded in response and followed Jordan backstage I went into the girls changing room and started to get ready even though we weren't on for a little while, I popped my black tank top and black shorts on before sitting down at one of the mirrors and put my hair into a ponytail and incorporated a plait into it as-well. Starr walked over and said 'Hey Jody do you want me to do your make-up' I nodded and said 'Yeah please, I'd quite like something bright on my eyes' Starr smiled and placed her make-up bag on the table and said 'Yeah course I can do that'. 

Starr spun the chair round and I looked at my reflection in the mirror my eyes had been transformed with a dark blue eye-shadow and a gold glitter layer 

After watching the guys for a bit do what they do best I went back with Starr and the others to get changed, I put my tights and shorts on and stepped into my dress 

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After watching the guys for a bit do what they do best I went back with Starr and the others to get changed, I put my tights and shorts on and stepped into my dress 

After watching the guys for a bit do what they do best I went back with Starr and the others to get changed, I put my tights and shorts on and stepped into my dress 

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I walked out of my changing cubicle and said 'Starr could you do my zip up for me' Starr smiled and walked over she said 'Here hold your hair up so I don't jam it in the zip', I slipped my boots on and did the laces up tight before making my way with Starr and the others towards the stage stairs ready to make our entrance. 

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