A/N Update

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Hello everyone!! It's been awhile since I've posted anything here and the reason why is because life and school has been going on and ummm my motivation and... Other things about me....

AHEM!! Anyway!!!

So yeah. That's what has been going on, but I've been having a rough time and I barely have any motivation to make a story (Plus the other one that's on hold). But I feel a little motivation for this story and it's kinda special to me ya know. I know some of you don't read this and that's fine, but I'm still making this for you guys, and I'm also doing this so I can give myself some inspiration. I'm hoping that you'll enjoy this too, but I'm sure what else I could say, but that's all. I'll catch you guys later in the next update!

(I'm might do an editor's note, make sure you keep an eye out for it if I came back to this update, but cya!!)

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