Chapter 5: The 'Dragon'

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Azrael's POV:

I've been walking for 1 hour in the woods were the dragon fell and I can't find anything. Maybe because I'm tired, yeah tired. " Ugh. What am I even doing? Trying to find a dragon that I shot down and is somewhere in a giANT FOREST!!! " I yelled. " Sigh, who am I kidding. I can't do anything right. Can't even find a dragoooOOOOOOOOOON!! " I screamed while I slide down a hill that is not that big, but since I'm so clumsy, I slipped and fell. I kept rolling down and eventually bumped into the rock and hit my back REALLY hard with a loud OOF. ' Uuuugh... Ow.. I don't remember seeing a hill up here. ' I thought then looked back at the 'hill' I slided down on, but it looks like that something been dragged or even... Fallen. ' What could of cause that much damage. ' I asked myself, I looked around the area I'm in and I see more damage. The trees looked tourn and ripped every peace of the ground or trees were scattered. I got up a bit, but stopped cause my back still hurts from the impact. I got up again and it didn't hurt that much just stings, I looked around and I stop looked at something from the distance. I began to walk forward without me knowing, I don't know why, but I felt like... I'm being drawn to something... Something.... Important. I kept walking and looking around at the damage ' looks like something big just hit these. ' I thought. When I got closer I immediately ducked behind the tree. I saw something, but I wasn't sure if it was real, I peaked around the corner of the tree and saw... A-a DRAGON (A/N: You guys can imagine what Kai's dragon form would look like.)!! I went behind the tree again taking a couple breathes then shakingly, pulling out my weapon. I stamp out of the tree to see the dragon laying on the ground with rope from the catapult I shot it with, " O-oh my- th-this- I can't believe this oh my god! I-I actually shot down the dragon! " I said nervously excited. I put my foot on the dragon, " I brought down this mighty beast- " I got cut off by a shove from the dragon and landed on the ground, I sat up fast and pointed shakingly at the dragon. This was the first time I've ever been in this situation and I'm so scared of what to do! I wish Dom was here he'll know what to do, but it was his and my idea for me to sneak out uuuuuugh why me. I looked at the dragon closely and land on his eyes. If your going to ask me how I know it's a he, well it looks like a he that's all I can tell you. We've locked eyes for a minute the looked away, " O-o-ok d-dragon.. I-I'm going to *gulp* kill you. " I said shakingly, the dragon responsed with a noise. I took a breath and lifted up my dagger ready to kill the dragon, but not after one look at the dragon one more time. We've locked eyes again and stared at each other's eyes for a minute before I shook my head went back to kill the dragon. The dragon made a noise then stopped which I'm guessing it's ready for me to kill him, but for me I looked at the dragon again and.. I was right. It was getting ready for me to kill him. I looked at the dragon in horror, until I can feel tears in my eyes. I dropped my dagger on the ground and landed on my knees and put my hands to my face. I stayed there for a second then looked at the dragon and watching him breathe. I looked at the rope that is tied to the dragon then looked at my dagger, " I-I... I did this... Why couldn't I do it... " my voice crack every sentence. I looked at the dagger again... Then I had an idea.


The dragon's eyes flew open wide. I was cutting the ropes around the dragon. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I had to do it! With ropes around the dragon he was already hurt from it and besides the impact from the land he had, but I didn't want it give him more pain, so I decided to sent him free. I cut the last rope then all of a sudden the dragon jumped at, but not before it shifted into something else. I backed up as fast as I could, but I was pinned to the rock/ground and gasped for air from that impact, and because from the fall damage went I was looking for the dragon still hurts, but its now hurts a lot more now. I looked at the 'dragon' with fear and horror. But the dragon didn't look like a dragon anymore it looked half.. Human (A/N: There's an image of Kai up above)!! He had dragon wings, tail and horns. He also had a demon red eyes and black all around his red eyes. He also was shirtless as well, but I was to scared to even react, I am pinned to rock/ground and about you get kill because of how useless I am!! He growled and raised his fist, but then flames came up and surrounded half of his arm! I was going to die I just know it, but we locked eyes again and it felt like I couldn't look away. The 'dragon' growled loudly and raised his fire fist and prepared to attack or could I say kill me. I closed my eyes shut and brace for impact. I started to cry and whimpered ' I'm so pathetic. Weak. Useless. Good for nothing viking. Can't kill a dragon.' That's was all I can think of and wait for death to consume me. But all I heard a crashing sound next to my head then a roar. I open my eyes to see an arm in the ground!? Then looked back at the 'dragon' with fear, still tears in my eyes. The 'dragon' looked at me for sec then jumped off of me then changed into his dragon form and ran off, though it couldn't fly, maybe because of the damage to the rope around him. I breathed out the breath I didn't know I was holding in then slowly and shakingly got up and looked at the direction were the dragon ran off to. All I can hear is the dragon making roars and noises, I turn around ready to leave, but legs gave out and I fell and passed out from shock.

A/N: I got excited and wanted to make this chapter. Oh! And I had an idea of something fun. I was thinking that since I'm making this story interesting I want to make and idea of make pictures of the scenes in this story! I've been thinking about that and I thought it would be fun to see you guys make the scenes from the story (I will do the same as well). You can send me them on my Instagram or in my Discord, just DM me and I'll probably post them in one of the chapters. Hope to see them and hope you enjoy the story, see you next chapter!!


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