Mindy wipes down the counter hearing her two daughters laughing as she looks up from the kitchen eyeing the cartoons playing on the large tv. she looks around the nice house and stops cleaning for a second thinking to herself quietly as she hears her two daughters in the distance laughing. She shakes her head getting out of her thoughts as the oven timer goes off. she rushes to the cookies pulling them out and feels her hand sizzle in pain she drops the pan and screams.
"fuck!" she looks down and hears one of her daughters.
"you said a bad word...." she stares up nodding her head and her daughter motions to the overflowing jar and she rolls her eyes motioning to her younger daughter.
"go back to the tv-" her daughter turns walking way and she shakes her head staring down her already blistering hand and sighs.
Mindy walks to a door opening it and eyes the steps leading down. She walks down them as she gets to a large basement and eyes the large see-through cell in the middle of the room. her husband sits inside typing at a computer and she rolls her eyes knocking on it, but it doesn't get his attention, so she opens the door yelling in.
"Dinner is soon!"
He motions back to her, staring her down and she turns her head commenting.
"don't watch porn-"
He looks up and closes down the laptop as she nods to him.
"Get your ass upstairs by dinner. I won't come down again."
She walks up the stairs and watches her husband shut the door over as he glares at her. He turns and goes back to work. Mindy walks up the stairs closing over the basement door but stops hearing a noise and feels a grip come around her neck. She struggles and elbows the man one hard in his head, but he shoves her forward into the counter hard. She looks back at him and a few other men as one of the men comment.
"don't be stupid here. you know why we are here-"
She kicks forward knocking the man back through the open back doors and he falls by the nice pool. She fells herself tackled to the ground but knees up kicking the man in the balls as he rolls off. Mindy goes to get up but eyes the men all dressed in black holding machine guns out towards her. She stares around her, and the one man fixes his suit as he motions to her.
"that's enough now clearly we won so just-"
A knife flies out from his right and catches the man in the neck making him fall to his feet and Mindy turns her head staring the knife down and smiles as she whispers.
"I haven't even started yet-"
She kicks the man once hard, and he falls to the ground bleeding as she stares down the men with guns and hears a yell.
"Get down!"
She drops to the ground and her husband fires off a gun towards the men in swat attire and laughs out.
"I love this!"
Mindy crawls forward behind a wall and hears her husband yell out laughing as he fires into the crowd of men emptying his gun. Her husband drops down next to her and motions to his gun.
"That's all I got-"
"How many you kill?" She motions to him, and he shrugs.
"Yeah, you know I'm a bad shot, right?"
The men open fire on the wall and Mindy shakes her head yelling at her husband.
"You didn't kill anyone!"
"I tried!"
She hits her husband, and the men continue to open fire as another man in a suit looks on smiling to himself but yells out to the large group of his men.
The men in all black stop firing and a few men come out dragging out Mindy's daughters as the man yells.
"We got your kids! don't be stupid come on out and maybe you all live."
Mindy goes to get up, but her husband shakes his head no and crawls out and then gets to his feet staring down the man as the man comments staring him down.
Bash looks around eyeing the army of men and he nods to the man speaking.
"I, I see the Carmello's got some new people-"
"Shut up Bash-" He closes his mouth, and the man looks him over
"You know why we are here-"
Bash strolls forward as the men around him keep their guns raised and he shrugs.
"can't say I do-"
"Someone is stealing from the Carmello accounts. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Bash lets out a small laugh and the man stares him down as Bash turns his head.
"I have a very good relationship with the Carmello's. Why would I be stupid enough to ruin it?"
The man nods his head agreeing with the young man and states outright.
"Mr. Carmello seems to think the same thing but see Bash you have a history of fucking people over. So, since Mr. Carmello trusts you so much, he asked me to come get you so you could investigate this for him."
"That is very nice of Mr. Carmello, but you see I'm retired. I got a family now-"
"Yes, you do-" The man takes out a gun holding it to one of his daughter's head and Bash shakes his head remaining calm not letting himself get worried.
"Killing a kid? Mr. Carmello wouldn't kill kids-"
"I'm not Mr. Carmello Bash"
Mindy goes to step out but her husband motions for her to stay put as he nods to the man.
"I'll come-"
Bash steps closer to the man not forgetting his face as he comments.
"But my daughters stay here, and my wife stays here-"
"We can give a shit about your wife, but your daughters come with us. They are incentive Bash to get shit done-"
The man whispers to him.
"And get it done right"

FanfictionIt has been years since Hit-Girl was heard from or seen as she disappeared into the night and escaped prison. Now years later a 25-year-old Mindy McCready is living life in suburbia with two small kids and a normal run-of-the-mill husband. When her...