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THREE Beth likes Mike despite him being a ridiculous clueless person.

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Beth took a bite from her sandwich, sitting at the fountain in front of the office building. She was used to having her lunch by herself. As much as she honestly didn't have a concrete idea why, she thought that her isolation was probably something she brought on herself.

It was good talking to Mike while she ate, though. It felt as if she wasn't really eating alone.

[my last relationship ended in a pretty clean way actually]

[we still talk sometimes. like if we bump into each other somewhere it doesn't get too awkward]

[she's cool]

Mike stopped responding and Beth had a feeling she knew why.

She. Yes, my last relationship was with a woman. I had a girlfriend. I should let that sink in.

So, Beth waited a couple of minutes before sending another text.

[ur awfully quiet all of a sudden...]

[r u thinking about me being bi?]


[sorry. I was trying to find a way to ask about it without sounding like an absolute asshole]

[came up empty handed]

[it's ok, you can ask anything you want]

[I wont get offended]

[it wasn't even a question... I was gonna ask 'wait, you're bi?' but that would be the most ridiculous thing cause you, like, just told me that]

[there's not much I can say without giving away all the quaint aspects of my straight white cis male personality]

At least he's self-aware. Beth thought she liked how honest Mike was, and the fact that he could make fun of himself.

[I guess all I can say is: Cool, I'm into girls too]

[you're very sweet, Mike]

[well thank you]

[you are very sweet yourself. thanks for not getting mad about me being a ridiculous clueless person]

[how could I even? it's pretty impossible to be mad at you]

[don't underestimate me]

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On top of having the most absolutely asshole of a boss, Beth didn't really have any friends at work – which meant she didn't have anyone to turn to when her boss screamed at her. That was probably why she always headed home feeling miserable at the end of the day.

She tried to concentrate on small simple tasks to keep her mind busy, so she wouldn't have a complete breakdown – like, going to the pharmacy or groceries, cleaning the house and other chores. As she mentally made a list of what to do on her way home, Beth kept imagining running into Mike randomly along the way.

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