2 Sided Love

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(Gold's POV)

She stops running and sits down beside a tree.

I catch up to Crystal and sit across from her.

"I felt so broken when I found out you couldn't speak anymore." She says, "But when you pushed me away, I felt even more broken. Then, I felt dead when you couldn't tell me about Manaphy!"

I stare at her; she avoids eye contact.

She continues, "Every time you left, I couldn't feel happy. The fact that I can no longer here your melodious voice breaks my heart!"

I place my hand on her face, and make it, so that she's forced to look at me.

I mouth very slowly, "Look, I'm still here, it's just my voice that I lost. It's not like I lost my life! I don't like anyone else but you!"

She smiles with a single tear running down her face.

"I need to tell you one thing!" She says, "Come here so I can whisper!"

I lean in but instead of hearing whispers, I feel something on my lips. I'm surprised!

She then breaks the kiss, "You'll always be here for me, right?"

I mouth, "Always!"

The End!!!

Hope you liked this! To be honest, this wasn't even supposed to be a shipping story between me and Crystal!

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