Talking About Me!

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(Gold's POV)

I'm still hanging out at Red's house at around evening.

"Gold," Silver says, "y'know, after the incident, you haven't been yourself."

I mouth a, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you don't flirt, get all cocky, or even have a smile on your face like you always did."

I write on one of my pieces of paper, "But you don't show emotion!"

I smiled.

"Hmph," Silver says, smiling too, "guess I was wrong on the smiling part!"

Silver then goes ahead and talks to Emerald. I just sit on a chair by Red's table and stare into space. 

I take out Etaro! (That's my Ambipom!)

It plays with Pich for a little bit.

I look at my other Pokeballs and the rest of my Pokemon are asleep. Even Manaphy.

Then everyone starts to play a game. 

"Hey, Gold!" Silver says, "Come play."

I smile but decline.

The girls, except for Crystal, are giving me dirty looks.

I stare at my Pokeballs but hear a conversation from my friends. They're pretty bad at whispering!

"He's changed." Blue says, "It's not like him to not want to play with us."

"Could it be the fact that you have to TALK in this game?" Green says.

"But he can mouth whatever he says." Sapphire says.

I take a quick look and see that Red and Ruby are trying their best to stay casual!

"Look," Silver says, "he's still trying to get used to not talking!"

"But he can get used to it by playing with us!" Blue says.

I feel tired and close my eyes but still listen.

"Hey, Gold!" Emerald says, "You wanna play?"

"I'll go check on him!" Crys says.

I hear her coming up to me, and then feel some breathing on my face. Then I feel something soft on my cheek then Crys whispers, "I'm so sorry, Gold!"

She goes back to the others and tell them I'm now asleep.

I then fall asleep for real!

To be continued...

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