Count on me.

48 3 18

Patton's P.O.V:

I wake up on Friday morning to my 6 year old son, Virgil,  crying.


"Virgil? what's wrong kiddo?" I say still half asleep.

"I-I had a nightmare. It w-was scary."

"Aw come here kiddo. It's okay." He crawls on my bed and lays with me.


"Yes Virgil?"

"Why don't I have a mama?"

I bite my lip trying to give him an answer that won't hurt him. He's only 6.

"You know how everyone has powers? Well mine comes out when I'm in love or experiencing strong emotions. Like being happy, excited, scared, angry, or sad. And it only comes out when you meat your soulmate. I just know this because this was my moms power."

"Oh..are you in love with me? I never see your you not love me? Am I your soulmate?" He has tears in his eyes.

"Oh kiddo of course I love you! Baby I can't be in love with you though. Because that would be wrong. But I love you with all my heart. Alright?" He let's out a high pitched giggle.

"Okay Papa..but why don't I have a mama?"

"Baby..I don't like women. You would have another Papa if I fell in love."

"Two?! Two papa's?! I want another papa! "

I laugh and pet his hair.

"It's not that simple baby. Do you think you can sleep anymore?"

"No..I'm sorry..."

"Oh don't be sorry. I'll get up and make you some pancakes. Then we can go to the park okay?"

"Yay! Will you put your hair up all pretty in a pony tail Daddy?"

"I will if you want."

"Okay papa!!" He waddles out of the room and down the hall. I smile and get out of my bed, making it. I stand up and go to the bathroom pulling on a pair of black jeans, my baby blue sweater, my large, round, wire frame glasses, and a pair of baby blue converse shoes. I tie my blond hair into a pony tail. I make my way downstairs where Virgil is sitting on the couch.

"Yay! Papa you did it! You hair is so pretty." He's beaming and I pet his black hair.

"Okay baby blueberry pancakes or chocolate chip?"

"Chocolate chip! Please Papa?"

"Of course."

I go into the kitchen and make breakfast. Virgil eats happily and is watching Sponge Bob on the TV. He finishes his food and then starts pulling on my sleeve.

"Papa! Can we go to the park now?"

I laugh a little.

"Okay baby. Let's go to the park."


He rushes off to grab his favorite hoodie, his favorite pair of black jeans,  and a pair of black converses. I put his shoes on and he puts on his pants. He slips on his hoodie and we head down the street to the park. There is a few kids there and Virgil runs off and starts playing with a little boy on the swings. I see a guy with glasses,  dark brown hair, chocolate colored eyes, a black long-sleeved dress shirt, a navy blue tie, dress pants, and nice shoes sitting on a bench that gives me the perfect view of Virgil. He has a book next to him. I got over to him and give a little wave.

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