Part 25

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I cant remember if it was in the story lol but Lilly was turned at the age of 18 1/2

When Lilly Thinks is will be -Example- 

When something pops into her head it will be -example-

Lillys POV

I was sitting down reading, long red hair being braided by Seth who sat behind me. Jasper walked back into the house making me look up smiling as Pixie and Bruno made their way over to me. Jasper smiled back then saw Seth braiding my hair. "Teach me?" I heard Jasper say to Seth. "Its harder than it looks." Seth chuckles as Jasper walks over behind the couch and watches Seth works on the braid as Jasper watches. "Hey Jaz?" I said as I read the book, "Mhm?" Jasper looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "Your friends uh...Peter and Charlotte. What are their powers?" I said not looking up at him. "Well Peter, he knows shit. Calls it his knower. An' Char has the power see auras. Like if someone has a power they don't know she sees the aura of it an' like mates an' imprints." Jasper said as he looks back at Seth who finished the braid and lays it over my shoulder. "Thanks lover." Lilly said as she smiled then turned in her seat and laid on Jasper's lap still reading.

Knowing shit? The only thing close to that is what Alice is, but it sounds like just random things pop into his head, like whats already happening. Lilly thought. The Cullen's are fighting off Victoria who's trying to kill Bella . "Guys we need to go home. Now. Some vampire named Victoria is trying to kill Bell." I flashed to our room and started packing. Jasper flashed in, "What did you see Lilly." Jasper said as he was packing with her. "I saw all the Cullen's fighting trying to kill off...a army of newborns and failing." I said as she flashed to the boat with bags as Seth was putting the dogs into the boat with their things. "You are a newborn you will be great help." Jasper said as he flashed through the house one last time making sure they had everything they needed. He flashed back with phones and got in the boat helping me get in. Seth got in next and sat next to me, I still held the book in the air but opened my bag and put it in it. Dixie and Bruno sat on the ground by my feet.

My hair was braided but it put it in a messy bun to keep it out of the way. Jasper pulled out of the dock and towards the mainlands. I picked up my phone and called Rose.

(Lilly- italics--Rose-bold)

Whats going on? We are on the way.

How did you-

Rosie just tell me, Ill explain later

Victoria came back. Long story we killed her mate James and now shes faster Bella to kill her

Start getting as many vampires to fight with us. Seth will get the wolves to help. By the looks of things this is a huge newborn army.

How can you know all this? Were you changed? Do you have powers? 

I was changed. I have Omnipotence unlimited power, any power I see or read I can get. We are almost to the mainlands. See you soon sis. 

I hung up the phone just as Jasper docked the boat. I stood up putting my bag over my shoulder and picked up both dogs and flashed to the rented car we had and put them in the back. Jasper and Seth got out all the bags and put them in the trunk as I was getting into the drivers side. Jasper in shotgun and Seth in the back with the dogs. I sped off to the airport very fast, faster than I should be going. "Baby..It's gonna be okay I promise you this." Jasper gabbed my leg and squeezed my leg tightly. "I know.." I slowed down when I saw the airport in view. I parked the car when I was the plane and got out of the car as did everyone else. Bruno and Dixie stay right next to me as we loaded everything into the plane. 

Once we had everything we got into the plane and I grabbed some clothes. "I'll be back." I walked into the bathroom and pulled off my shorts and pulled on skinny jeans, a grey long sleeved crop top, and Jasper jacket. I pulled on my combat boots and walked out. I sat down next to Jasper and pulled out my stuffed animal giraffe, Bellow and leaned on Jasper. 
"That my jacket?" Jasper smirked and I smiled. "Maybe." I looked up at him then kissed his mating mark on the left side of his neck, right over where his beating heart use to be. "Go change." I said and he smirked picking up the close on his lap and stood up. Seth was on his phone being a 16 year old. I smiled at him and shook my head as I saw he was playing a video game on it. Jasper walked out wearing torn jeans, cowboy boots, grey shirt and his jean jacket. He sat next to me and I leaned back on him. "Wanna sleep?" I looked up at him sending lethargic feeling and he nodded and I used a power I saw to let any Vampire sleep and soon he was sleeping, well kind of. "Seth go change."

Seth groaned and smiled before standing up to go change. I laid on Jasper since this was a privete plane so it was couches  and soon found myself sleeping. It's gonna be a few hours before we even get close to Forks. Seth walked out wearing boots, jeans and his hoodie and saw us sleeping. He walked over and kissed our heads before laying on the other couch with Dixie and Bruno to sleep.

There you have it!! I updated!!! Whoop Whoop!!! I'll try updating every other day from now on. And I will be doing another story here soon most likely about Riverdale -wink- -wonk- 

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~Angie :)

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