The Lone Cowboy

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Chapter 1.

His green eyes were set off by his brown leather cowboy boots. His hair was as dark as the truck he was heaving straw out of to the One-hundred or so cows. Now I guess your wondering what I'm doing watching someone from a distance pitching out hay. Well you see that guy is the new ranch hand Jerdan Vonly. His daddy owns some land about a mile from my place. I don't know much about him. He seems nice. I'm thinking I should go talk to him since I do run the place. On second thought I think its better to keep my distance. I dont want to get to involved with my feelings. Its happened too many times. I guess I should introduce myself. Im Lydia Jane Hartley. I live in Arkansas and run my farm with my twin brother Michael Lane Hartley. Michael had hired the guy to help with our other five so things would go just a little bit easier. Our dad left us the place when he passed away. For awhile we wanted to sell it but with mom in the nursing home I knew I needed a way to be able to pay her bill. After long disscussion, much frustration, and a thousand tears later we had come to an agreement. To me the agreement seemed fair. Michael would take care of the ranch such as cattle and horses, and I would be the money manager. Profits were few and far between and life seemed more hectic than normal. Jerdan is supposed to free up a little time for Michael to spend with his wife Janine and daughter Margaret. But feelings for the handsome cowboy in tight Wranglers and a rugged 5' Oclock shadow was sure to drive any woman crazy. Am I right? Well here goes nothing! "Hello, my name is Lydia. How are you?" "Well Lydia I am doing mighty fine I'm Jerdan. You must be Michael's sister." "Yes as a matter of fact I am. I'm the oldest by five whole minutes." I laughed. "Of course you'd think he was the old one." Jerdan smiled. "He didn't tell you guys were twins. Guess it slipped his mind." "Yeah must have nice meeting you but I really must get the rest of my chores done. See you around." "I'll see you Lydia nice meeting you too. Glad to be working for you." With that he went back to his heaving hay, and as I walked away I caught him smiling and humming.

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