You find out you're pregnant

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For the past few weeks, each morning you have been waking up incredibly early with the urge to throw up. You tried thinking of many different reasons as to why this was happening until one thought made you stop:

I might be pregnant...

Was what stopped your train of thoughts. You started panicking, getting ready, grabbing some money and running out the house to the closest store, to buy a pregnancy test.


Once you get back you sprint to the bathroom, you immediately take the test and leave it on the side for a few minutes.

Grabbing it when its finished, you check it.

Pregnant 5-6 weeks.

"Oh my God.... EGON!!" You tell, catching everyone's attention, making them run to where you are.

"What is it?" Ray says, sorta worried.

"I-I- I'm pregnant..."

Carry on the next chapter, coming out next Friday, to find out what happens next.

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