
Start from the beginning

We don't celebrate our anniversaries or birthdays but we celebrate our love whenever our heart wishes. But this doesn't mean we forget these special days. We remind each other on the day of both our marriages and thanks our God for blessing us with this precious gift of love. My Sabil believes that when God has given us three sixty-five days to express our love then why to specify one or two specific days in a year to do so.

Nothing much changed in him in all these years. He still cares for me more than himself. He still asks my permission with his words or his eyes before kissing me. But when it comes to me it seems like everything has changed. Now I'm no more a silent person and all thanks to him and his big joint family. It's in his house that I came to know life is not boring but a wonderful gift of God.

I sometimes get confused whom he loves more, me or my children but he says, 'if they are my heart you are its best. I'm nothing without you all. You all complete me.' He still makes me feel special, feel loved. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

In all these years people talked about various things behind our back but slowly they forgot our past with time. Even the differences between our families ended. Dad now loves Sabil just like Hunaif.

I'm proud to be his wife. It doesn't matter if society thought about our marriage as a mistake. Because even then it's the most beautiful mistake of my life which I'll never regret and the only mistake that I won't ever correct.

One thing I understood in this life is that we should care for others but we shouldn't let their opinion decide our future. If we won't fight for justice then people will keep hurting us. We should never keep quiet but always express our feelings to our near and dear once. One last advice I would like to give, never ignore love if it knocks at the door of your heart but be careful to understand the difference between love and infatuation. As my Sabil always says, "just like all flowers aren't Roses all boys aren't true lover like me."

It's love that kills, it's love that heals. It may give you wounds, which it itself seals. If I would have ignored his love then only God knows in which corner I would have been crying right now but all thanks to my dear hubby as he never gave up on me. I pushed him away from me many times but each time he returned back with the same intensity.

Let me share a secret. He himself once told me to write our love story and so here I wrote it but this isn't the end as we have to live a whole life together but I still shared with you all the up's and down's that came in our ways towards our love's destiny. How both our hearts were heading in two different ways but still our destiny was one, love itself.

He taught me not to run from problems but to face them. He made me understand that small fights and misunderstandings don't break our relationship but only makes it stronger as we then realise what importance a person holds in our life.

He loves me, sometimes scolds me, sometimes get angry on me, hurts me with his words but later on he himself consoles me. At first, I thought he's doing it to take revenge from me because of the way how I initially insulted him. Later on, I realised that whenever he got angry or whenever he scolded me, it was for my own good. I know he loves me a lot, as I know the person who truly loves you, only he has the courage to hurt you, to break you so that you come out more tough and strong. As hurting our beloved hurts us more than them. Sabil did exactly that with me. In hurting me he got hurt more than me but he still hurt me to make me strong and independent.

He always tells me that I was always dependent on others so people hurt me but it truly hurts when he says that maybe he won't be there for me always so I need to learn to live independently. But I also know it's a true fact because for his business he sometimes leaves for weeks. So finally I'm no more that nave girl but strong and confident women just the way he wanted me to be.

Do you know what's the meaning of Sabil? Let me tell you, it means 'way or path' and Zaala means 'destiny'. We complete each other. For all my problems he is still the only solution. He becomes my friend, my inspiration, my motivation, my teacher, my helper, my support and everything that I need at any time.

He is truly a way for all my destinations. He truly is and will always continue to be my Sabil for Zaala...

 He truly is and will always continue to be my Sabil for Zaala

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Hello, my lovely readers...

So here's the end of this story. I'll miss Zabil...

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Goodbye, dear readers...
Allah hafiz... 👋

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