Chapter 5: Clashing Heads Part 2

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"First. I still have some stuff to do before we do fight. And also I think it wouldn't be a great idea to fight here hints the crime scene." Says Daval

"Well you did advise we kill everyone, so we can blame it on you" Says Wine

"He's right you know." Says Latrell

"Well I'm glad you still have a soft spot for the people Latrell." Says Daval

"Well of course I do. There has to be someone to handle, you beast." Says Latrell with a smart tone

"I do have a question though. Would you answer it Daval?" Asked Wine

"Sure while we are here. What's up?" Answers Daval

"So what the fuck is your Nen ability? I don't remember all of this." Asked Wine with an annoyed tone

" Sigh... I hate explaining my Nen ability to people. But I'm going to explain it to yall because you are my closest friends." Says Daval

"Awww I see you have a soft spot too." Says Latrell

As Daval ignores Latrell's smart remark, he explains his nen ability

"I have 1 main ability and 1 sub ability. First my main ability is called 'Hephaestus' Workshop', basically I am able to create weapons from just my thoughts, as long it is a melee weapon and that it is able to be created in this world I am able to materialize it. Then there is my secondary ability 'Hermes' Gift' where I am able to give anyone I desire a weapon I create and after they grab the weapon the weapon becomes real and is not a nen construction anymore, it also removes my limitations from that weapon."

"What are those limitations?" Asks Latrell

"My limitations are after I create a weapon for myself to use I am only able to use it 3 times before I have to switch to another weapon. If I don't I will die." Answers Daval

"That's a pretty hefty limitation you have there. Are you sure you can handle that?" Asks Wine

"Sure I can. Why do you think count to 3 with every use of a weapon? You dont even need to answer that question." Daval says

"So I'm guessing that I next need to ask how I survived Wine's slash?" Says Latrell

"Well I can explain it but with that I can't answer it by myself" Says Daval "What I can explain is that none of the weapons I will give to people will be directly powerful. The strength of the weapons will come from the persons Nen of whoever is using it."

Then Daval looks at Wine so he can explain his part.

"Well of course if your wondering how you didn't get damaged from the slash was just because I didn't hit you." Answers Wine

"Ok now that's all over can I now give Latrell his gift." Says Daval

"Sure" says Latrell

Daval walks up to Latrell and looks up at him.

"Why am I still shorter than you? What is your secret? I'm wearing shoes to make me taller and you still are towering over me like your a giant." Says Daval

Latrell and Wine start to bust out laughing
And while they are laughing there butts off Daval starts to examine Latrells and feet and then he starts to use his ability to create a pair of gloves. But these don't seem like regular gloves. First they start off with black cloth and on the wrist they are green. Then what appears next would be some kind of bronze metal on the knuckles on each of the gloves that has something written on the side.

"They are done grab them and I can tell you what they are" Says Daval

Latrell grabs the gloves and puts them on as soon as he grabbed them. "Oh this is silk, a very good choice."

"These are 'The Gauntlets of Hercules' they are basically a way for you to harness you power at night. So you are able to defend and attack better." Explains Daval

"Ok nice, but why did you look at my feet too?" Asks Latrell

"Well of course I'm not done..." Says Daval before Wine interrupts

"Not fair. He gets 2" Wine says in a unfamiliar attitude

"You have Death's scythe and a watch that allows you to control time. I think your just fine" Daval quickly reminds Wine

Daval looks back at Latrell that has a huge smile on his face. He is apparently trying to not to laugh

'I wonder what's so funny' Daval thought

"What are you going to do now?" Latrell asked

"I'm going to give you something else" Says Daval

Next a pair of shoes appears in front of Daval. Black Nike shoes for exact. And then on the toe and heels of the shoes a form a bronze manifested on the shoes. And for last on the back of the shoes a pair of wings on each shoe appeared on them.

"So what are those?" Latrell asked

"These are the 'Shoes of Hermes' with these they work the same way the gauntlets work  where they are a way for you to harness your power and use it in a different way. Usually in legend Hermes' shoes helps himself run at high speeds so it might do the same." Explains Daval

Latrell takes the shoes and puts them on "That's all cool and everything but I dont feel any different."

"Well of course you dont you dont have the last piece" says Daval

While he is saying this he reaches on his waist and takes off a hat the was attached to his belt strap and gives it to Latrell. It was a blue hat. Nothing special to it but just a hat.

"Put it on" says Daval

Latrell puts on the hat. And nothing happens.

"Now what?" Asks Wine

"Just wait. Now Latrell turn your hat backwards." Says Daval

As Latrell turns his hat around he starts to glow and his Nen increased by 2x

"Woah. This is intense." Says Latrell with an amazed look on his face

"I can feel the heat coming from him" says Wine

Daval next creates an bronze circular shield with a woman with snakes as her hair on it. And stands at secure stance. "Hit me"

"You want me to hit you? Are you sure?" Asks Latrell

"Yep hit me as hard as you can." Says Daval with a confident voice

"I might have to take a step back from this" says Wine

As he says this he moves from directly behind Daval and moves to the desk to Latrell's right.

"OK GET READY!" Latrell yells

As Latrell says this, he pulls his hand back and charges his punch. While he does this his fist starts to glow and then a wave of heat hits Daval and Wine. And then Daval starts to second think his decision. But before he could tell Latrell to wait he already swung his fist and hits the shield.

A giant wave of heat hits Daval and his Shield shatters to his feet. "That was amazing!"

Latrell turns his hat back around and he stops glowing. "And that's how you turn it off, Nice."

"Now. I'M READY TO FIGHT!" Everyone screams at each other

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