Bad Wolf

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Okay, so this did not want to be written the way I wanted to do it. I hope you'll still like it, though.

I was going to say something else, but I forgot, so... Yeah.



Tyra let out a pained groan when she came to. She frowned, trying to remember what happened. The last thing she remembered was getting back to the Tardis after their chase in Kyoto 1336. So... Where was she now?

"About time you woke up," an unfamiliar voice sighed in exasperation.

Tyra jerked away from the hand on her shoulder, rolling onto her feet more or less gracefully. As soon as she was upright, she swayed, her hand clutching at her head.

"Calm down. The transmat beam can scramble your head a bit."

"Transmat?" she squinted "Where the hell am I?"

The young man raised an eyebrow "The Game Station," he pointed out "I'm Colin, by the way."

"Right," Tyra muttered distractedly. She ignored him and looked around. She was in a large room that looked like the set of a game show or something "How did I get here?"

Colin blinked "Transmat beam. Picks you up at random."

"Yes, yes. You said," Tyra rolled her eyes, crossing her arms "But for what?"

"You're not serious?" he chuckled but stopped when the unamused look on her face registered "Okay, maybe you are. It's for the game?"

Tyra shook her head, getting annoyed by his non-existent answers. She narrowed her eyes and quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him closer "Tell me what's going on here."

"Catchphrase," he replied dully "We are here to play. The person who wins the game gets a million credits."

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly, patting his cheek a little as he came out of his daze "Was that so hard?"

Colin blinked a couple of time and paled "What did you just do?"

"Nothing," Tyra told him, her pupils dilating "Absolutely nothing." She turned away from him before she looked around again "Catchphrase...? As in... Oh, great. Why is it always me?"


The Doctor was whirling around the tiny room he had appeared in in confusion "What is it?" he asked "What's happening?" He leaned against one of the walls and fell out of the cupboard.

"Oh, my God," one of the girl cried out in surprise "I don't believe it. Why'd they put you in there? They never said you were coming."

"What happened?" the Time Lord demanded, trying to shake off the fuzziness of the transmat "I was..."

"Careful now. Oh, mind yourself. That's the transmat. It scrambles your head. I was sick for days." Lynda tilted her head when he straightened up a little, looking somewhat less pale "Alright? What's your names, then?"

The Doctor got up somewhat unsteadily "The Doctor, I think... I was, er... I don't know what happened? How..."

"You got chosen," the young woman pointed out.

"Chosen for what?" the Time Lord asked warily.

Lynda smiled happily "You're a housemate. You're in the house. Isn't that brilliant?"

Over by a very pink screen that made the Doctor grimace inwardly, a young man huffed in annoyance "That's not fair," he exclaimed "We've got eviction in five minutes. I've been here for all nine weeks, I've followed the rules, I haven't had a single warning and then he comes swanning in."

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