The Unquiet Dead

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Alright, so first things first. I have my laptop back as of yesterday night. That means I went over the cringiness that was the last two chapters. I didn't even realise that there were that many mistakes. But they're corrected and the chapters will be replaced.

I also made that Yahoo Group I mentioned and will put a link at the bottom. Or at least the name.



Tyra smirked at the Doctor who was flitting around the console, trying to at least somewhat ease the jerky flight. Trying and failing, she might add "Hold that one down," the Doctor instructed Rose.

"I'm holding this one down," Rose complained, trying to stretch across to reach the button the Doctor had gestured to.

Tyra rolled her eyes "How about I do that, hm?" She strolled over to the button as graceful as she could. Which wasn't much compared to her usual walk but it was still enough for both the Doctor and Rose to stare at her incredulously "This one, right?"

"Er, yeah," the Doctor nodded, shaking himself out of the staring he had done. He wondered whether he should talk to Tyra about what he knew. As soon as the thought crossed his mind, he shook his head. No, he would wait. Maybe she would come to him. If she did, it was a definite sign of trust on her part. Especially while she was pretending to be Human, to begin with.

"It's not going to work," Rose groaned as the shaking got worse.

The Doctor huffed "Oi! I promised you a time machine and that's what you're getting. Now, you've seen the future, so let's have a look at the past. 1860. How does 1860 sound?"

"Like me being carted around in a coffin because of my own doing," Tyra huffed under her breath "With two of my brothers along for the ride."

The Doctor blinked at her "What did you just say?"

"Hm?" Tyra's eyes widened. He couldn't have heard that, could he? "Oh, I didn't say anything. Sorry."

"Right," he nodded, still eyeing her from the side. That might explain why he hadn't met her before. If she was... Whatever 'daggered' meant. Hopefully not what it sounded like.

Rose looked from the Doctor to Tyra and back "What's in 1860?"

The Doctor grinned at her "I don't know, Rose. Let's find out. Hold on, here we go." The Tardis materialised with a huge jerk that threw all three of them off their feet.

"Blimey," Rose laughed, dusting herself off.

"You're telling me," the Doctor sighed in exasperation "Are you two alright?"

"Yeah," Rose nodded "I think so. Did we make it? Where are we?"

The Doctor checked the scanner "Give the man a medal. Earth, Naples, December 24th 1860. Tyra, are you okay too?"

Tyra looked over at the Doctor and nodded "I'm alright. Hey, if we're really in 1860 is there somewhere I can change? I doubt my clothes would go over well."

"Oh, right," the Doctor exclaimed "Wardrobe is through there. First left, second right, third on the left, go straight ahead, under the stairs, past the bins, fifth door on your left. Hurry up. Both of you."

Rose looked at Tyra, hoping that she would be able to remember the direction. She forgot where to go already. She hurried after Tyra "I... I hope you know where to go."

"It was a bit confusing," Tyra admitted with a grin "But I've got it. I think." She was excited to dress up again. While corsets had been uncomfortable as hell, the dresses had been pretty. Of course, Rebekah never thought so. She always preferred pants. Tyra wore pants in the corset ages but apart from then, she tended to prefer dresses and skirts. Not anymore. It wsn't that important what to wear as long as she liked it.

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