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This is the first chapter of the rewrite. I was told this is already better than the last version, so let's hope you think so too.

I just hope the grammar and spelling aren't too bad. I'm on my phone but will check the chapter once I get my laptop back from it being repaired.

Please tell me what you think of this version.



Tyra was sitting on a bannister at the north bank of the Thames right next to the RAF monument, thinking about her next moves. It's been over a century since she had seen her siblings last. After the last time she had gotten undaggered in 1901, Tyra ran. The promise Niklaus had made to her and Kol was worthless. Every time she had gotten daggered had been because she didn't want to go on.

Tyra had always been a bit different than her siblings in the sense that she wasn't quite as easy to anger. Mostly because she couldn't care less about anyone or anything. She tried switching off her humanity countless times but it never worked. The deep, aching pain that radiated from her broken twin bond was the remains of the connection her and Henrik had when he was still alive. It was always there, like an open wound in the background.

The Original startled when a sort of wheezing groan filled the air. Tyra watched with wide eyes as a blue telephone box from the sixties appeared out of nowhere. Like, literally nowhere. Tyra blinked in surprise. While she had seen a lot in her thousand years, teleportation – or whatever that was – was something out of a fiction book. Even for her. It was something new.

A man stormed out of the box before Tyra could even think about giving in to her curiosity. He looked around and sighed in annoyance "I lost the signal," he huffed "And I got so close..."

"We've moved," a blonde girl gasped, stumbling over to where the vampire was still sitting, clutching at the railing "Does it fly?"

"I doubt it," Tyra spoke up, jumping from her perch "How did it just appear? And what was that noise?"

The Doctor waved them off, barely even reacting to the presence of the second girl. She probably wouldn't be here much longer. Humans tended to run when they were scared, so he put her out of his mind "Disappears here and reappears there. You wouldn't understand."

"If we're somewhere else, what about the headless thing? It's still on the loose," Rose gasped worriedly.

"It melted with the head," the Doctor shrugged absentmindedly "Are you going to witter on all night?"

Tyra was watching the two argue with her eyebrows raised. Head? Melted? What were they on about? The question was itching to get out but she resolved to stay quiet for the moment. She turned her head to look at the blonde next to her when the girl let out a choked sob "I'll have to tell his mother." When the Time Lord looked over at her in confusion, she continued, her tone now bordering on anger "Mickey. I'll have to tell his mother he's dead and you just went and forgot him again. You were right, you are an alien."

"Alien?" Tyra asked in surprise. Whether it was at the thought of aliens existing or the fact that her mouth ran away with her, she didn't know. Probably the first.

"You're still here," the Doctor noted in surprise.

Tyra shrugged with a grin "I want to know what your box is. You didn't seem inclined to answer, so I guess I'll have to stick around to find out."

The Doctor opened his mouth before snapping it closed. And here he thought Rose was determined. If the roles had been reversed, he didn't know whether he would have stayed "And you are?"

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