Entry #1 - Hi

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Thursday, November 6th, 2014  -  2:57 PM


Hello there! My name is Hayley Lestri, and after coming up with the idea of this public journal and deciding to go forth with it, here we are.


First off, you should probably know a bit more about myself. I am 18 years old, currently living at home while going to a local technical college for my Gen Eds. I’m set to transfer to a university for the spring semester to pursue Art Education. I graduated high school with 13 college credits, and as the band’s President. I played the alto saxophone for 8 years and have tendonitis in my left wrist because of it.

My family consists of myself, my 13 year old brother William, my mom, and my nearly 23 year old sister Jo-who does not live in our house. Oh, and bunch of pets. My father was never in my life until we started email communication when I was 15. I still have never met him nor have any current plans to do so.

I’ve been dating a wonderful man, Brandon, for nearly 11 months. He is the only boyfriend I’ve had in my life. We met in band and he also plays the saxophone along with the bassoon, a recent addition. We do truly love each other and recognize the challenges that will arise when he goes away to college next year, but for now are quite content at the place we are. You will hear a lot about him in the coming entries.

My main best friends are Elizabeth, Emily, Alison, and Megan, whom are all off to other colleges and that I do not see often. The new friends I’ve made in college are Zach and Mitch. I also have friends still in the high school band, but do not see them often either. Basically, Brandon and William are my sad, sad, social life at the moment. Even my own mother I rarely see due to how much we both work and are at school.

I work at a wholesale retail store that’s close to school as a cashier. The heavy lifting strains my tendons badly and causes achiness in my wrist for days, so I’m working on being transferred to the photo department of the store, especially since I love photography. Previously, I worked in clothing retail for over a year and am glad to be rid of the fitting rooms.

From the top of my head, these are the basics of my life that I feel one needs to know. Of course it’s not everything, because that would be way too much (and too boring) for one to read or for me to write. This will provide you a basis to start upon and refer back to. More about my life will be revealed as I go, and you can always ask questions if you’d like.

Here is where the story truly starts so get comfy, grab some snacks, and welcome to my life.

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