"You deserve to be happy too." She whispered. "Show Sam you love her and you're not going anywhere. Go get your woman before it's too late."

"Thank you." Trevor nodded. He got off the bed, went to kiss Drake's soft head then walked out of the room.

Just as he stepped out of the room, he bumped into Sam who was heading towards the south end of the hallway. They stared for each other for so long; Sam silently fuming that she had to run into him in here of all the place in the world and Trevor not believing his eyes. It was fate that brought her here at the moment.

She didn't look too good. Her face sported a bit of green color and she looked ready to drop from fatigue.

"Sam?" He stepped towards her and was grateful when she didn't pull back. "Are you feeling well?"

"No. I am just so tired, nauseous. I want to sleep forever and never wake up."

Trevor pulled her into his arms so that her head laid above his heart. "Don't ever say that again, Sammy. Please. I couldn't continue to live if something happened to you."

"But something did happen to me, Trev. You broke my heart. You lied to me."

He closed his eyes on a sharp exhale. Nails stabbed at his heart until it was a bleeding, pulpy mess. "I know, Sammy. I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, just please. . . Give me another chance. Everyone deserves one, right? Let me treat you the way you deserve."

Her arms wrapped around his waist as the front of his shirt became wet with her tears. "I love you so much, Trev. So much that it hurts when I think about living without you."

"Hey, Trevor," came a voice from behind them.

Sarah stood few feet from where they stood by the door. She was grinning at the sight of them. Sarah was a woman in her late twenties with dyed pink hair with blue streaks, studded lips and pierced brows. Her legs were long and she had that hour glass figure thing going on for her. She was the opposite of Judith but they fit so well.

"Sarah." Trevor tightened his arms around Sam, but not tight enough to hurt her. She craned her neck to see the newcomer and Trevor could tell that she was trying to process this person's role in his life.

"It's her, isn't it, the woman that held your heart for so long?"

"Yes." He nodded. "Sam meet Sarah McLaughlin, Judith's girlfriend. Sarah meet Sam, the love of my life."

Sam pulled away from him with wide surprised eyes. "Y-you love me? You've always loved me?"

"Ah, okay," Sarah chuckled nervously. "I'm just gonna. . ." She dashed past them and disappeared into the room.

He only had eyes for her. "Yes. I love you so much Sammy. You've always been the one I love. I was just help Judith out and didn't realize I was hurting you in the—"

He was cutoff when she pressed her lips to his own. Trevor could only wrap his arms around her and return the kiss with all he was, had. Their tears blended together and they could taste the salty liquid as they ravished each other with love, affection and acceptance.

Sam pulled away and opened her eyes. The glint in them matched the smile on her lips. "Trevor, there's something you need to know."

"What is it, Sammy?" He braced himself for the blow about a boyfriend somewhere. He was so selfish that he couldn't imagine her being with someone else.

"I'm pregnant."

He deflated. Sam must have taken it for him not being happy and her face fell, but he quickly reassured her. "I am so happy, Sammy. I was just so scared that you were going to tell me that you had a boyfriend and the news caught me by surprise. Are you really pregnant?"

She rolled her eyes as she punched his arms. "What do you think?"

Ah. Now he understood why she came to the hospital. Trevor let out a whoop of joy, swept her into his arms and twirled her about in the hospital corridor. Some doors opened and people peeked to see what was happening, nurses eyed them as they walked past but he didn't care. His life was finally falling in place.

"Put me down before you make me dizzy, Trevor." She groaned from above him. When she finally felt the floor under her feet, she cradled his face between her palms. "You're going to be a daddy."

"Thank you so much, Sam. Thank you for giving me another chance. And I know it will take time to earn your trust and make you forgive me, but I promise to be there for you always."

She grinned through her tears. "It will be a while before I can forgive you, but I will never stop loving you. Don't let me go, Trevor. I cannot survive a third heartbreak from you. I can't."

Trevor knew words were not enough to tell her how much he would do for her so he kissed her instead. In the middle of the hall that smelled like disinfectant and drugs, he was finally reunited with the love of his life.

He was never ever letting go.

Many would say it was too soon for Sam to accept Trevor into her life, some would call her a fool for believing him and some would say it was love. In reality, all that mattered was how much they loved each other and are willing to make it work between them. It was how much commitment and the strength as one to fight the coming battles. With time she's learn to trust him and forgive him. With time they'd  build a family that founded on love, flaws, happiness and trust. Everything will change with time.

Life was not roses and sunshine. You have to loose to gain and gain to loose. Behind every history there was a story. Behind every friendship there was love.

Behind Sam, there was Trevor.

That was all that mattered.


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