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Zhao Yunlan was standing outside of the operation room eyes peeled as if he would miss the chance to see Shen Wei even if he blinks. He felt restless he felt anxious but most of all confused  shouldn't I be happy that Shen Wei is loyal to me shouldn't I rejoice that Shen Wei became the puppet that I wanted him to be
Shen Wei was lonely and he coveted family I bet on that fact and showered him with care shouldn't I celebrate knowing my plan worked so well I got what I wanted still --------- still why I feel I gained nothing why I feel that I'm empty .  It wasn't the first time he saw his men at the brink of death it wasn't the first time someone got injured to protect him still why ------------- still why he felt so lost. His eyes blurred the red light over the OT taunting him, the closed doors of it mocking his existence as the words of Wei kept rewinding non stop in his mind " I will protect you with my life " to scale the apex of this underworld you have to be cold ruthless calculative but now he was feeling unsure about himself. He started laughing self mockingly ahh Shen Wei Shen Wei my little doll you are really something making me feel some new emotions, life's never going to be boring when I'm with you.
Chu was fuming with anger as he didn't want to wait any longer, he just wanted to gun those scums down but he couldn't leave atleast not yet because he was worried about that pesky brat, he didn't want to admit but he really grew fond of that boy Wei was loyal, hard working, earnest  although he used to be a thief but he was honest to his comrades. Chu was simple minded as long as someone is loyal to the organization he would consider them as his brother, he punched the wall in anger gaining glare from the nurses who were going in and out of the operation theatre busily. He tried to gain some information from them but was shut off by the closed door, he nearly punched Yunlan when he heard him laugh, frustrated he signalled Yaqing to speak up because he needed some explanation.

" So what happened ?" ( Chu)

" Boss Zhao wanted to test Shen Wei so he ordered few of us to stage an ambush." ( Yaqing)

" So ?" Chu spoke through greeted teeth restraining himself from exploding.

" I don't know from where the Wangs got information and attacked us "

" So you think ...?" Chu could not finish his words " So there's a mole in the organization " Zhao ended , there's a spine chilling smile on his face as his eyes shone with blood thirst, Chu was little surprised because it's been many years since he saw Zhao this enraged.

In the meantime Shen's operation was complete, Doctor came out of the OT while Shen was being taken to the ICU. "So how's the patient Doctor " Chu asked hurriedly. " We have taken out the bullet, he was extremely lucky that the bullet didn't pierce through his heart but grazed it instead still he lost too much blood and still under critical condition we are going to admit him in ICU. I won't give you false hope his chance of waking up is 50-50. You should contact his relatives" the Doctor calmly answered
Zhao's whole body shook in fear while Chu nodded solemnly. " Can we see him ?" Zhao spoke up calmly hiding his trembling hands . " I won't recommend it " Doctor said. " We are his relatives he has none, please Doctor " Zhao pleaded for the first time in life. Chu raised his eyebrows in surprise but stayed silent. The Doctor sighed " Fine just for few minutes and only one person is allowed " then he called a nurse and instructed Zhao to follow her. Zhao finally entered Shen's room and his eyes landed on the pale body laying peacefully on the hospital bed only the beeping of heart monitor is proof that the boy is still breathing. His eyes stung and tears started falling from his eyes un-noticed. He approached the boy caressed his hair and called out "Wei, little doll". His only answer was soft breathing of the boy, he could not hold back anymore and dropped on his knees. He grasped the smaller hands in his palms kissed it while trying to speak up but couldn't say anything as his voice choked up. He stood up firmly and erased any trace of tears now it's not the time to wallow in self guilt. He placed a kiss on Wei's forehead saying " Wake up soon my little doll "

Lust and Blood( A Weilan/Lanwei Story)Where stories live. Discover now